Wednesday, July 27, 2016

August: A Change of Pace

On Monday, I posted a new blog that gave a brief update on what I'd been up to lately, but then I decided to take it down; I didn't like the way it was written because I felt that it lacked my usual personal touch. Giving up on the original idea of two posts in one week, I have made the choice to write ONE heartfelt message to all my followers; I took a break last week because I needed time to self reflect and regroup. I have been keeping busy with my house. (It's hard to believe that next month will mark six months of me living in Scott Depot...time flies when you're having fun!) 

This week has two special birthdays in it for me; one of my nieces, Piper, will be turning the big 5 tomorrow; she is growing up so fast and is so full of life and laughter. My mother has an upcoming birthday on Saturday. I'm looking forward to a celebration of birthdays this weekend with family and a yummy blackberry cobbler. I always love seeing my nieces and nephews. 

In other news, the WV SILC college workshop proposal that I had been working on was not chosen to be presented at Marshall. I'm not a bit upset, I'm just trying to let God take more control of my life and lead me to what He has in store for my journey. I'm headed back to church tonight and I have been praying more within the past week; I have been losing my motivation as far as writing goes lately, and I think not giving everything to Him holds some responsibility for that. God is the best cure for the "blahs". I wonder if other writers have weeks where they "can't write"? I haven't had much to say. I thought long and hard about whether to include the fact that I'd been in a little slump...and why wouldn't I? It's human; it's reality. I've written two pages of blog material today front and back, so I think it's safe to say I've still got it!

I'm excited to say that August will bring some changes to "Molly's Zone". I have decided to only post three weeks out of the month; I am becoming more of a reader, so to add a fun twist I want to do personal posts on the first and third Tuesdays of every month, and a book review during the last week of the month (no certain day for those posts.); if I have not finished the book I want to review, I will watch and write a movie review post instead. I've prayed about everything, and I'm just trying to make sure I focus on what matters most and that is God. I've wanted to review books for a while and this is a great way to incorporate them.  In my blog, I not only want to inspire but I also want to encourage a little imagination in those with disabilities; with God, all things are possible. I think by discussing and sharing books in my post, it will help others to deal with their own setbacks and turn them into success. Life with a disability is not all roses and sunshine, but I've  found reading a book to be a happy and healthy escape at times; therapeutic books can also be great references in times of trouble. I have one book I've read already, but I want to read it again and share it sometime because it helped me during my deepest depression days. I'm excited about the changes, and I can't wait to get started! Starting off August with a post on Tuesday! (Aug 2nd) 

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

What Can I Teach Those Without Disabilities?

A disability is the part of my life that has worked to influence who I have become in many, many ways. In this post, I would like to address the question, "What would I be capable of teaching my able bodied peers?"

In order to answer this question properly, I have chosen to be completely open and honest. I want to share words that come straight from my heart; I want to show everyone that really, I have the same feelings as everybody else; that I face some of the same challenges as them as well,  I just deal with them on a different scale. 

The first characteristic that I possess that might be of a benefit to those without disabilities is my ability to provide unconditional love and compassion to others. My love for my friends and family is somehow deeper than most, I suppose. I love really hard. I love to hug. I love to smile and to laugh. I give people tons of chances; it is very rare that I ever cut someone out of my life; it takes a lot to push me to my limit. I say "I love you" to all of my dearest friends. The  world needs more of that; it has become a place of terror, selfishness, and coldness. I am glad that I have been put in the position to spread so much positivity.

The second characteristic that I would hope to influence others with is my ability to stay physically active with the body that I have been given. A disability such as cerebral palsy, leads you to find alternative ways to accomplish what is needed to be accomplished on a daily basis; I clean house, I cook meals; I do everything a non disabled person does, with the exception of not driving a car. I will cross that bridge some day though!  My mother has always taught me to make whatever accomodations that I felt were necessary. There's a solution to every problem, you just have to find what works best. 

Lastly, my perserverance is a quality that I hope to pass onto others. I have faced a lot of trials and tribulations in my lifetime; I've gone through feeling unwanted, unsuccessful, and struggle with low self esteem at times; but I have always worked hard to push through all my battles. Find your passions, work to set as many goals as you can, and try to create a life that you will look back on and be proud of; at twenty four, that's what I'm striving to do daily. I have "off" days occasionally, but an "off" day is okay. Once you realize you can climb out of the self pity trap and you learn to take one day at a time, there is no telling what you might achieve.

A Smoldering City

 If today were your last living day, do you know where your eternal place of residence would be? Would your heart be ready and fully prepare...