Sunday, October 15, 2017

You Are A Warrior

You are a warrior
Always remember that
Every time you feel like life has knocked you flat
Like your disability makes you feel like you're not all that
It's not who you are, not how you're defined
The inside is what counts, your heart,soul and the intellect of your mind

You are a warrior
A true fighter against your anxiety
An unwelcome companion imposed on you by a cruel, dark society
Standing tall, talking loud
Who you are is someone who should be proud

You are a warrior
Don't give up, don't lose hope
In this world, you simply have to learn to cope
Realizing you're not different, just simply unique
One of a kind
You have a story to tell, and a chance to speak your mind

You are a warrior
When you feel fear and loneliness seeping in
Just take a look around at where you are going, and who you've been

You are a warrior
Standing tall, talking loud
Embrace your truth, and be proud

You are a warrior
The sheer panic that sometimes inhabits your mind, and the pain you feel coursing through your body
Is no match for the courage you can show to everybody
Attitude matters, keep going and don't let anything or anyone stop you
Let people see you joy, determination too
Remember, you are a warrior

Cerebral palsy has most certainly enriched my life in ways I never imagined it would. I used to see my disability as a part of me that was a nuisance, but as I've come to grasp as time passes, my life has continuously been evolving into something so beautiful and full of the greatest joy. I'm happy, healthy, and have zero complaints. God is so good.

I had planned to write this poem several weeks ago, but I just hadn't felt inspired enough, and I couldn't find the right words. Sometimes, as a writer you just have to wait for the words to find you. Encouragement is on my heart tonight for whoever needs it. This is for you. Don't let life get you down. Don't let physical pain get you discouraged. There's so much joy to be found in adversity. Let Christ lead you where He wants you to go; you never know what doors may open. You are who you are for a reason. I know it may seem rough and rather unfair to go through so much, but there's always a plan in motion no matter what. I've learned that.  You are  a warrior, keep going and never forget that.

Life truly has a way of coming around full circle; who you are today does NOT define who you will be in the next weeks, months, or even years of your life. You have the power to stand up and see the joy of your surroundings, or to cave under the pressure of feeling like you shouldn't be who you are simply because you're afraid of others' opinions. Who cares what others think of you? Life will get better, and you will grow stronger. Your resilience and resolve that you carry will push you past the limits you feel are so heavy against you. Don't give up. Fight. You are the warrior of your battle whether it's a disability, anxiety, depression. Whatever you're facing, just keep going. You can do it.

Be the warrior you truly are.

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