Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Four Years of Molly's Zone! (A Thank You Note)

The sole post of August and a celebratory one for sure. I cannot believe four years are soon to pass since the launch of Molly's Zone. I am still overwhelmed by the blessing that is this blog; a place to share my stories and my truths with the world. I have not posted as much as I used to and that is because I don't always have words to share. Life is busy and I am forever battling the cerebral palsy fatigue; it has gotten harder to manage as time as gone by, but I am still riding along the trail of life.

Writing has always brought to me immense joy. A therapy of sorts, as I have gone through a lot of tribulation in life and sometimes, I just need to write about it. I am so grateful for those who have followed my blog for the past four years. September 1st is the actual fourth birthday. I am thankful that He chose me and called me to be a writer; doing this was always something I ran away from for many years and I regret not listening to Him sooner.

In the past four years, I have lived and learned a lot. I got to travel and experience once in a lifetime happenings. I came to know that my writing career is not a career. I lost my yearning for self glory. I learned lessons I needed to learn in order to be where I am at now. I am enjoying this season of my life so much!

I have a lot of new material coming for you all! A new beginning for me will start soon. I am going to be taking part in the ministry as a writing contributor in a new outreach at my church called, At His Feet. Coming out of a season of testing, this is so exciting! A lot of my material will be shared there, so Molly's Zone will be used sparingly. I will never stop writing. At His Feet launches September 25th.

I love you all and thank you for your support during the last four years.

The Building Of Your Life

I wrote and published a New Years themed message earlier in the month that never felt as though it was finishable; following the Lord's ...