Friday, April 24, 2020

Faith Through Uncertainty

The villainous air that is filtering through this world today is truly a sad thing to witness; the antagonistic news media works to fill our homes with gloom and despair. No one person can agree on how to help this sinking nation; panic buying has depleted our store shelves and fear has stolen most common sense.

Fear is not the solution to a problem; the force that drives us to make decisions blindly only worsens the original issue. I don't have all the answers. I don't know what tomorrow holds; however, the nasty behavior of some honestly saddens my soul. It is important to be cautious in a time such as this, and to be uneasy is understandable; invisible warfare is real and it is a danger to society.

Exercising your faith through uncertainty can be difficult; in the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, I was freaking out because my mother has lupus and is immuno-compromised. The idea of life changing so rapidly, with no idea of when or if it would ever be the same made us both uneasy.
Having faith through uncertainty doesn't always change a situation, but it will serve as more of a help to your soul than your fear ever will.

If you are feeling a great deal of anxiety, take some time out of your day to pray through the overwhelming fog. I have seen so many on my friends list becoming depressed and anxiety ridden. Some are out of work because they have been labeled "non essential" and I can't imagine how your world must feel being flipped upside down. Do what is in your power to do & leave the rest to the Lord. Lean on Him & He will provide. Don't let your uneasiness go so far as for it to start filling your heart with hate. Don't let what's going on in the world become a part of your character. Stay true to yourself and be an encouragement to someone. An argumentative nature gets you nowhere in life. Try your best & that's all you can do; this crisis doesn't seem to have an end yet & I hope for everyone that this warfare that is among us finds its end soon.

In the meantime:

Pray for the world and be an encouragement; a light in a world full of darkness. Show the world and its veil of fear & misery your faith through uncertainty. 

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1 King James Version) 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Through The Hardest of Times

The blog comes back tonight with a post with a message that has been heavy on my heart and mind. Hard times are surrounding us and the world is laden with fear and uncertainty in the face of a global pandemic. Hearts are hurting. Families are going through heartache and loss on so many levels; it can be hard to have faith when everyone is going through the hardest of times in one way or another.

What can we do to help us have the strength to push through something that we can't on our own?

1) Prayer- Prayer is of utmost importance in coming through difficulty no matter the situation. I have found that conversations with the Lord have an unmatched comforting quality. Christ is the best friend that could ever be had. He will listen. He knows everything about you. All of your qualities. Thoughts. Emotions. Fears. You name it, He knows it. A hurting heart needs prayer. The Lord will always be a comfort. Lend Him your troubles. He'll lend you a comforting hand through the hardest of times. He is known to stick closer than a brother.

"A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." (Proverbs 18:24 KJV)

2) Lean on Loved Ones-  Social distancing has made America and the entire world forego all of its normal traditions; funerals are a way for us to receive closure and comfort from loved ones and friends. I am a natural hugger at heart and love to love on people, and I cannot imagine what losing someone during this crisis must feel like. For now, we have to rely on texts, calls, cards, and visits in small groups. The Lord provides blessings in giving us loved ones so be sure to lean on them as much as you can and hold on. Pray with them any way that you can. Encourage them. Family and friends are special; they can help you through the hardest of times.

3) Keep Faith- Stay strong in your faith and keep your courage. Jesus is with you and will be with you throughout all of your days going forward. He loves you. Keeping faith while immersed in grief can be one of the hardest challenges we face. We go through all of the stages of wondering why; fervent questions linger in our minds.

Things happen that we can't understand. We miss our loved one.
Grief will most certainly last for a life time; I have grieved my grandmothers every day since they've passed. Not a day goes by that I don't have a memory pop by. I dream of them often. Even though it's hard to grasp, sometimes life just happens. We have to keep faith & trust in Christ through the hardest of times. 

"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest" (Joshua 1:9 KJV)

No matter what you are going through, stay strong & trust Him in all things; for He will carry you through the hardest of times. 

A Smoldering City

 If today were your last living day, do you know where your eternal place of residence would be? Would your heart be ready and fully prepare...