Tuesday, June 11, 2024

What Your Heart Needs

God's Word will never fail to provide you with what your heart truly needs. 

The world has grown to be such an unfamiliar and uncomfortable place to be. The cost of living continues to climb, becoming more expensive with each passing day. 

(The price of groceries is truly insane!) 

My mother and I originally decided to cut back on our spending when it came to our food supply as were innocently trying to save some money. (Because what else isn't costly these days?) 

We have since abandoned that particular strategy as it was causing SO many problems for us both---vitamin deficiencies that made our bodies weak and our minds unhealthy. 

Even in the midst of so much wordly turmoil, I am immensely thankful that God faithfully provides whatever we need whenever we may need it. 

While it's always important to protect your physical body from becoming undernourished, both your heart and mind are continuously and desperately in need of nourishment from God's Word every single day. 

Oh how dangerously easy it is to think we can get by with only eating once a day or skipping meals entirely. 

Sadly, it's also easy to view our time with the Lord in that way too if we aren't careful. 

Any time spent with the Lord whether it be through prayer or Bible study remains SUPER important for our lives on a daily, yet it's common to want to push it aside without taking into consideration the harm it will cause. 

Simply because we're in a rush to tackle our to do list, or we're having a day where we feel okay, so we think we don't need Him. 

That way of thinking will end up costing you every ounce of everything good He has ever given you---robbing your soul of its peace, joy, and hope. 

You'll end up half-dead spiritually speaking and that's never worth the time you think you're saving. Nothing is more valuable than time that is spent with the Lord. 

Whether it is just to acknowledge Him in praise for just a little while, to ask Him for help, or to take the time to sit down and do a deep study of His Word----whatever time you spend will be worth it! 

"My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh." (Proverbs 4:20-22 KJV) 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Let Jesus Take The Wheel


Have you ever reached a point in life where every aspect of your existence felt out of control? 

I can still remember my first (and only) attempt at driving a vehicle. I had just celebrated my sixteenth birthday and the level of excitement I felt was indescribable. I couldn't foresee the challenge that was ahead of me; even through what turned out to be a frightening situation, the Lord taught me a valuable lesson that I know I will never forget....even though as humans, this particular struggle is still real for all of us. 

After a few times of practicing on the local high school parking lot, I decided that I wanted to try driving on the road, even though I was still not the greatest when it came to steering the vehicle. I felt ready to try. I drove up to the intersection and as the light went from red to green, it was my turn to begin driving down the road. 

The first few moments went surprisingly well...but the sights and sounds of the cars surrounding me threw my body into full blown panic attack mode. Within minutes, I could no longer hear my mother calling my name. To this day, all I can recall is beginning to hyperventilate and my mother reacting quickly, grabbing the wheel from the passenger seat, and somehow leading us to safety. 

Have you ever tried to take on a situation all on your own even though it was something that you knew you wouldn't be able to handle?

Maybe you're in a place where everything that surrounds you feels overwhelming. It's way too easy to think that we have the ability to handle all that life throws at us on our own; when the tough really gets going, it's even easier to find ourselves panicking and becoming painfully unaware of the Lord and His presence. 

Friend, it's important to remember that Jesus is and will remain ever-present through every single panicky moment you face. Your circumstance may have you thinking you're alone in fighting the battle; the season of trial that you're traveling through may have left you at a complete loss.

Please know that the Lord will forever stand by your side. You're never alone and He will never fail to somehow pull you into safety when you least expect it. That's just who He is. 

 Let Jesus take the wheel.

"Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest." (Joshua 1:9 KJV)

A Smoldering City

 If today were your last living day, do you know where your eternal place of residence would be? Would your heart be ready and fully prepare...