Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Why Choose Next Right Steps?

Everyone knows that growing up with a disability can be challenging; it can make life seem very complex. If you or someone you know needs a guiding hand, a listening ear, or a group full of encouraging friends to help you conquer life one step at a time, then Next Right Steps™ is the place for you! You might be wondering what makes us so different from other disability rehabilitation programs, and today I'm here to tell you all about what we do. 

We Encourage Self Exploration: We serve clients that range in age from middle school preteens to college students. During those years, life is a time that is all about self exploration; we won't put pressure on you to make a definite decision about what to do with your future. We just want to be there to be the guides of your path and to listen to you and your family when you need us most. 

We Let You Go At Your Own Speed: Life can get very busy at times; change is inevitable and we understand that. As a client of Next Right Steps, you will not be required to take on more than you can physically or emotionally handle. An overwhelming life causes more stress than is needed, so we are more than willing to accommodate you every step of the way . We would encourage middle school and high school age clients to find classes and/or extracurricular activities that not only interests them but also fits their environmental need. We cater to what YOU want! 

We're Here to Listen 24/7: We strive to serve you and your family as coaches, mentors and consultants who are readily available at your convenience. We use collaborative and proven interventions from around the world that will meet you where you are.  We want to make your transition to your "new normal" as stress free as possible. 

We Help You Set Realistic Goals: Our main purpose for encouraging soul searching is the goal of one day seeing clients take what they have learned from it and to find their direction. We want to be able to help you to realize your strengths, talents, and potential and apply that to your future; it is all about learning to think you "CAN" instead of you "CAN'T" because anything is possible. 

Next Right Steps™ is a privately owned program that lets you decide what is best for you. We encourage a six month commitment to our NRS process that will allow you to experience on a first hand basis the services we have to offer! Our mission is to bring gradual, authentic transformation to lives of those with disabilities by putting the "Ability" into "Disability". Check out Next Right Steps™ today!

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