Tuesday, January 5, 2016

My New Years Resolution (2016)

2015 was a year full of unexpected blessings and a lot of happiness. I overcame the worst of my obstacles and I gained a sense of self that I had never had before and life has become a truly pleasant experience. My biggest hope for 2016 is that it is an even better year and that I continue on my journey of growing into a woman of courage, strength and wisdom. I find it hard to believe that I will be celebrating my 24th birthday this coming April. Where do the years go?

As much as I’ve gone through, I feel that I’ve learned something worth remembering and passing on and that is the fact that life is full of lessons and that no one knows everything there is to know, and that there is always room for improvement. I’d like to start off the new year by sharing some of the areas I want to improve in and what I hope to accomplish.

My biggest hope is to continue to look forward and be happy about what God has planned for me. 2015 was incredible and I’ve enjoyed staying so busy. I have always been a stubborn and strong willed person, but I now know just how much God really is in control; He knows what’s best for me. As I’ve said before, I never could have imagined having a career as a writer, but I am really enjoying myself. I’m excited for my success to continue throughout 2016, and I plan on continuing to work as hard as I possibly can.

A few of my other hopes and goals for the new year include continuing to blossom in the respect of accepting myself so that I can share my wisdom and empower others with disabilities. I know I will never have the highest level of confidence and that I will always be a “work in progress”. My biggest fault is that I tend to dwell on my past and things about my life that I wish I could change. I have always felt that I’m a perfectionist because of my disability. My first piece of advice for the year is that you will never grow into the person God intends for you to be without those imperfections and experiences to learn from. Imperfections are a normal part of human nature. I hope that I can truly influence others in 2016. I don’t want to solely focus on success, but also the message that I’m conveying and the impact that I leave on my readers and the people who love and know me best. I’ve learned that the way I conduct myself leaves a lasting impression and I want to focus on being positive, looking ahead and venturing into the next chapters of my life. I have come a very long way in this journey, but I know for sure that I haven’t made it to where I’m supposed to be just yet, and I’m finally okay with that.

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