Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Cleaning Your House: The Three R's of Rejuvenation

March 20th marked the first official day of Spring, which means that the days of warmer weather and bright sunshine will soon be replacing the cold and sometimes snowy afternoons. After fighting a seemingly endless battle with writer’s block this past weekend, I enlisted my mother’s help in the search of material for this week’s post and she inspired me to come up with the perfect idea. The title I chose for this week  is “Cleaning Your House: The Three R’s of Rejuvenation”. The term “house” is used in a metaphorical sense in order to better describe the very thing that makes us all unique: life and how the mind responds; along with the change in the season, you must also learn to cleanse yourself and to rejuvenate your life for the better. How do you do that? The answer is simple: you reclaim your life, you refocus your energy, and you work as much as you can to recreate yourself into something that is both unique and beautiful; I would like to elaborate further on that thought by taking a moment to show an example of how I have learned to do those very things; it is not an easy task, but I truly hope this post motivates others and helps them to make their life what they want it to be.

Reclaim Your Life:  I want to start this point off by saying that no matter what kind of life you live, there is always a chance for you to reclaim your happiness and to redeem your future. The biggest mistake a person could ever make is letting someone else define their self worth; we as humans are never destined to be the same person we were yesterday; with every day comes the possibility of growth. We all have the power to choose between living in the past or living for today. Will you choose to regret your life or reclaim your life? Don’t let anyone tear you down; hold your head high and keep moving forward; life lessons are sometimes our greatest teachers.

Refocus Your Energy:  Making the decision to reclaim your life is the easy part of the rejuvenation process, but refocusing your energy is one of the hardest tasks to tackle. The main problem with refocusing energy is that humans tend to internalize so much of what is heard around them. People are like delicate flowers that need love and care to blossom; stepping on their soul only destroys everything about them, including how they view themselves and how they reflect themselves to the world. Don’t ever let yourself be tied to someone who doesn’t value you. Don’t let what others have said determine who you become; it is easier said than done, but try to take control by showing yourself and the world that you can become a person who has a sort of fierceness in her step. Once you reclaim your life and refocus on what’s most important, you can then begin the process of recreating your life and building upon your future.

Recreating Your World: While writing this post, I have to say that this was my most favorite of the three “R’s”. I have gone through a lot and I just want to say that I know what it feels like to be in a downward spiral and how hard it can be to rebuild your world from the ashes of life. The best advice I could give on how to “recreate” yourself is to take your past and work your hardest to make it into something positive that you can be proud of. I would say that while my journey has been full of heartache, my onsets of depression were self inflicted. I grew up going through life with a practical plan, but I never had the courage to follow any of my dreams; I don’t even think I knew what they were. I have always had a lot of creative energy, but I never knew how to truly own that talent; I was focused on the wrong areas of life. After trying so hard to fit in with others and nearly losing my life, I realized that I could never be like anyone else. I’m Molly. I’m unusual, creative, and I love to make my friends laugh; it took the destruction of who I thought I was supposed to be, to get through to the most exciting and interesting part of my existence yet. You have to get to the point where you become a risk taker; strive to make your life the most adventurous life ever lived. I hope to be a blogger, mentor, fiction writer…I want to do it all! I think there is something about going through the worst part of your life that makes the rest of the journey so much sweeter; I know I appreciate the little things more than I used to. The moral of this post is that even if your life looks bleak right now, your rainbow might be around the corner from where you are standing. Be a warrior. Don’t ever quit. The power to clean your “house” can only be found within you.

 -"The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all"- "Mulan"

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