Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Importance of Faith

Hey everyone! August is here and I wanted to kick off the month with a "life post". My previous blog details the changes that I have made to "Molly's Zone" , if you haven't read that post, go check it out! Having enough faith in God is something that I've always struggled with and today I basically just want to share my thoughts. The past week or so has been wonderful. I went back to church and I've been praying so much more and it has helped me to put things into a better perspective. I love to write; writing is my passion. I love the Lord and I want to make sure that I've got my mind solely on pleasing Him. "Molly's Zone" has been a place for me to cover a lot of struggles of those with disabilities. My main reason for switching up the topics a little bit is to have some fun and to share my interests while spreading some happiness. I want to get back into my fiction writing as well; I've still got a ton of ideas and I do want to keep busy. I'm currently reading two books at one time, which is fun; "New Moon", the second book in the "Twilight" series for pleasure, and "Me Before You", in preparation for my first ever book review blog which will be posted during the last week of this month. I'm thinking of joining Tumblr (another blogging site), and YouTube (still considering doing my own videos).

I don't really know what the Lord has in store for me. As I've said, I enjoy writing and I feel like my passion for it is a gift from Him; I know that being published with "The Mighty" those few times was really a cool thing to see happen, but my heart has changed its view; I want to write for God and only God. I also want to unleash my creative side once again, and I believe fiction is a healthy way to accomplish that. I want to focus on just being myself and I want to encourage others to be themselves. Writing for me is not about being rich, famous, or accepted by the world. I have God, and I have my family and friends. I am happy. I'm still just trying to find my path in life; I think I'm on the right track, but I haven't arrived just yet. I'm giving all of my life to the Lord, and I'm thankful for all of my readers. Keep me in your prayers as I'm trying to live more for Him and have more faith in His  plans for me and stay tuned for August 16th! A new "life post" will go up on that day! No blog next week, as I will be reading and topic searching. Thank you all for reading today's post! Until next time..

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