Thursday, October 20, 2016

Life as a Daughter & A Dog Mom

What a busy day! My life is certainly filled to the brim these days! This week was a rare twist for the blog; this is the first time I have ever featured two posts in one week. I hope everybody enjoyed them. How can I describe life? Blessed and super busy. I am so tired, and should probably be asleep right now, but I just want to say how much I am thankful for. One question I would love to ask my old self is: how on Earth did you ever get so bored?! I'm never bored, and with Ollie here during the day, I am never lonely. I love my house and there is always so much to do! Late nights are always a good thinking and writing time for me. I really am so blessed. I am so glad I got over needing excitement in my day, because the most exciting thing now to me is when I am getting ready for bed. I have become boring and I love it!

I am so happy that my mom is doing so well. Lupus is really scary. I am so thankful to the Lord for helping her to go into a remission of sorts; of course it's never going to go away and is still causing an issue with her skin, but I am so thankful that she is not physically sick anymore. I love her so very much, and it killed me to see her so sick; 2014 was a bad year on all accounts. 2015 started out rocky but ended up great, and 2016 has been amazing so far. The Lord has put both of us in such a great place. Mom is well, and even though I'm tired most of the time, I am completely fulfilled and happier than ever. I think the tiredness is supposed to last. I've heard that is common in adulthood. Yay! I think...

I love housework. I really do. My favorite thing to do is laundry. I'm weird and I love to smell the laundry detergent pods and the dryer sheets. The little things in life are what is important. I love coffee. I love YouTube videos. I am enjoying listening to the rain as I type. I can't wait until it gets cooler so  I can wear my fall clothes. I'm actually sick of short sleeve shirts and shorts at this point, which is odd for me because I love summer; I'm just sick of the heat. 

I dealt with a depressed dog today. Ollie dearly loves my mom and he considers her his mommy too. The morning started off rather differently, and he acted so weird all day. He is a creature of habit. He kept pouting and clung to me at times. He's never like that with me;  he only cuddles with Mom.  He usually stays to himself unless I'm eating food or he wants outside; his hang out spot during the day is under my Mom's bed. I  happily welcomed the attention, and we shared pizza for lunch today. I love my Ollie. He is a handful at times, but I love being a dog mom. Ollie is nearly 6 years old, and understands so's scary sometimes. I have had fun watching him grow. 

My post tonight was short, but I just wanted to pop in tonight and say hello! I will be back on the blog Tuesday. I have one topic in mind, and will be doing some topic hunting for future posts this weekend. Thank you for reading! Good night!

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