Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The True Meaning of Easter (Spring Blog 2017)

The season of Spring is often viewed by many as a time filled with endless colorful scenery; the beginnings of new life surrounding us with each new flower bloom that we can see. Easter is a time we celebrate Christ resurrection. He lives! To me, Spring is not just about pretty flowers, chocolate bunnies, or a delicious meal on Easter Sunday, but it is also a daily metaphorical reminder of His death, His payment on the cross for all of our sins, and His continuance of blossoming life as our Heavenly father. I couldn't decide whether or not to do an Easter blog AND a Spring blog, or just to combine them both. After praying about it this morning, I have combined the two as I feel the dead flower blooming back to life example is a perfect way to describe  the true point of Easter and the power that He can have within our lives. Today, I would like to share the three things we should pray to Him about, so that He can make us into a true reflection of who He is. 

The first most crucial thing you must ask the Lord to help you do is reassess your life. New beginnings always start to happen and can only happen once we are made self aware of our surroundings and any  personal shortcomings. What comes first in your life?  People or God? Our daily lives and the effectiveness of our testimony serves as a true teller of where our priorities are. 

Allowing Jesus to show us our lives for what they really are gives Him the power to start removing things that He feels is hurting our relationship with Him. Perhaps you live for the acceptance of others, or maybe your outlook on life is not as positive as it should be. Maybe your prayer life and faith need a little strengthening. Just start praying and ask Jesus to help you with it, and He will. I have gone through trials that have shown me just how much I'm not in control, and just how strong He is. Jesus loves you and wants to help you. I have realized He has a love for us that is stronger and greater than that of other people or even ourselves. I have learned to draw positives from the negatives. I am thankful for every blessing, every trial, every mistake. Everything. I would not be the person I am today had I not gone through those experiences. I may have regrets as does everyone, but in hindsight I still wouldn't trade a single moment. Thank you Jesus for everything. 

Once Jesus shows you what you need to work on and He begins to weed out the junk from your reach, you will start seeing your life being truly replenished and fulfilled. Believe it or not, change is sometimes for the better! What we want isn't always what we need. How much we depend on Christ is directly related to our choices: how we speak, how we react to things, and just how we live period. Life is hard, but we can choose to have faith in the midst of our struggles rather than to moan and complain through them. When I pray about my anxiety if I'm having a rough day...as soon as I finish talking to Him, my feelings go away. Cerebral palsy has turned into such a gift because God has really shown me that He can still use me; I'm just Molly. I am not my disability. I am a born again Christian who loves the Lord and lives to serve Him. I like to think of having cerebral palsy as having the ability to reach  people that maybe someone else can't. That's pretty neat! No matter what you are going through, He is there for you! He's ready to help you. Won't you let him clean up your life today? 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Springing Forth With Excitement!

Hey guys! I have not been blogging for the past several weeks and I am happy to be back at it today; the title of this post is a great summary of the April I've had so far. A lot of exciting things have been occurring in my life lately and I wanted to take to the blog to share with my readers today:

As you know, a couple of months ago I brought home a golden lab puppy and I named her Ruby; she just turned 3 months old on April 6th and is growing like a weed. My Ruby is the sweetest little girl who loves everybody and loves companionship. We are still in the stages of teething and hardcore running and playing; I figure that will last a good while. In addition to Ruby, I have a 6 year old Pomeranian whom she  just adores and they do play well together, but he tires out rather quickly. 

April 5th saw me celebrate my 25th birthday; a milestone that I felt very thrilled to surpass. I had such a wonderful birthday. Months prior to Wednesday, I had applied to be on the West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council and what made my birthday so awesome was  I found out that my application was one of seven to be sent on for appointment by the governor; if I get appointed, then I will officially be a council member. The nomination in itself was such a blessing of a present; I felt so humbled and thankful. Thank you again to all of the WVSILC members for making me feel so loved and welcomed. I am so eager to begin my journey with them; I can't wait to get started. I am ready and willing to work as hard as I can to make others with disabilities feel heard and empowered. Twenty five sees me as the happiest and most fulfilled that I've ever been; when you hit a point in life where you know what your ambitions are...well, that is a great spot to be in. I am happy to be me. I'm happy to have lived the life I've lived. My hope for the future is that I can really make an impact and change someone's life; I want to make a difference. My main piece of advice for someone struggling with their disability is to hang in there because as you get older time does make things easier. In late March, I embarked on a new journey with Next Right Steps: in addition to blogging, I am now a weekly peer mentor. I do Skype talk sessions every Friday; making a new friend has been so much fun.

Birthday celebrations were awesome; on Friday, I got an early morning deluxe pedicure with my aunt (I love having my feet pampered) and I got to have dinner that evening with my father; we munched on Chinese and had a nice talk. My birthday cake was a yummy white cake with chocolate icing and yellow roses. On Sunday afternoon, I went to Longhorn Steakhouse with my mom and we had the most delicious lunch: bread & butter, a Texas tonion, huge salads with fresh fruit, ribs & french fries. Yum! 

I know I have been missing in action for quite some time now, but I am going to get back to doing my weekly blogs; I have missed writing so much. I have a lot of things planned, and this week I will be working on next week's blog plus new material for The Mighty; next month will make a year since I first stumbled upon them and became a published writer. I can't wait to see what else life has in store, but I'm so grateful to be happy and healthy. I will continue to attack life with an attitude that springs forth with a heart full of excitement. Thank you to everyone who has supported me throughout everything; I so appreciate you. Stay tuned for next Tuesday!

With Love,

When Your Heart Is Overwhelmed

I was listening to The Goodness of God this past Sunday morning while getting ready for church and I couldn't help but have this thought...