Friday, August 4, 2017

July/August Update

Hey guys! I am just now getting around to doing a new blog; I have been so busy the past few weeks and it has been hard to find any time to put my thoughts to words. Here I am! I could have done a vlog, but there's just something about writing that makes my soul happy. 

As you all can probably tell, the past few weeks I have been trying to take Molly's Zone in a slightly new direction; I have been featuring some of my writing pals from The Mighty on the blog and of course, Noelle contributed for the first time. I loved seeing her so happy to see her writing up on  Molly's Zone ; making people happy is what my life is all about. I want my blog to be inclusive of everyone with disabilities, not just about me so I have had a few wonderful guest contributors! (Quick shout out and a thank you to those who sent in their work). 

Last Sunday was my mother's birthday; we had a rather quiet day at home, but we did celebrate with a birthday dinner out that evening before I went to church. 

The past week has been full of new experiences for Miss Molly. Tuesday was New Member Orientation day for the newly governor appointed members of the West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council, and then Wednesday was my first official meeting as a council member (I actually talked a little more during, which I felt extremely proud of because I'm usually a shy person, but I am definitely finding my voice!) Orientation was a blast! I am one of seven new members. I love everyone, and I'm quickly making new friends. I got really brave and spontaneously tagged along on a horseback riding adventure after orientation with two fellow council members. I freaked out a little bit beforehand, but I did it! You can do anything as long as you put your mind to it! 

Independent living history is very fascinating; during orientation we watched part of a documentary on it and I loved it. I wish I could have watched the whole thing; this arena is definitely one I see myself becoming passionate about throughout my life and experience with the council. I just want to say I love each and every one of the members and I want to thank you for making me feel so loved and welcomed; it really is like a family. I felt that this week. 

July saw my writing reach yet another platform, as I am now a monthly contributor for Project Wednesday. The people I have met and continue to meet through these websites are just amazing. I am having so much fun. Project Wednesday is a place where I want to unleash my non disability related material. As I said, my first piece was published for PW several weeks ago, and I have a poetry piece scheduled for release on August 12th! So exciting! Writing is truly in my genes. I love it and I'm hoping to tackle fiction soon. My mother and sister both are good writers (my sister also has a family centered blog!), my grandfather wrote poetry, and I was told my great grandfather wrote actual stories. We'll just see where life takes me! Life is so much fun when you trust Christ with all you got!

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