Thursday, November 30, 2017

Spread Awareness About Disability Rights!

Living with cerebral palsy has been far from an easy road to travel down; I've lived the life of someone who has struggled, I've been angry, and I've cried more than my fair share of tears. So many years went by as I aimlessly searched for the reason behind my existence.  

Nearly three years ago, I was blessed with the opportunity to start blogging about my life, serving as an advocate for those with disabilities and providing a light of hope in a rather dark world. I share everything. "Molly's Zone" gave me my start and introduced me to my now dearest passions:  

The Independent Living Movement and Disability Rights. 

The two intertwine and are equally exciting and full of possibilities; the key to the continued growth and success of both is simply continuing to make people aware of these very important issues. What are some ways we can do that?  

First of all, we need more of those who are willing to speak up on issues that may come about in their own communities; the more advocates we have, the louder we become. Reaching out to any organization, newspaper, magazine, television network,  or  simply anyone who might willing to help spread the word would help! Don't be shy. Speak up!

Secondly, we need contributors! We need any talent you may have! Whether you do well at public speaking,  whether you're a writer or a musician, or  maybe you love to dance; those are all valuable and can be  useful in supporting disability rights.  Simply sharing information or donating to organizations who support disability rights is also a great way to contribute! We need more representation across the board. We have to keep showing the world that we do add value. We need to continue working to inspire and  encourage others to join in the fight for our rights.  

Lastly, in order to increase our volume we must hold on to and work to strengthen our determination. Persistence and awareness go hand in hand. We should strive to instill that same grit and passion into those around us.  

I know I'm here because I want to make a difference. I deal with my own set of challenges every day. I'm not perfect, but I'm here to show others they can do it. You can accomplish anything that you set your mind to. I exist only as one person in a sea of millions who are fighting. I'm still rather quiet at times, but I am growing and learning to speak up and to be passionate. Writing is fun, but there's so much more to do. There's more for all of us to do; reasons to keep going.  

The change starts with awareness. We have got to let people know what is going on. We've got to tell them what is important to us,  why it's important, and what our goals are to continue growing this movement. I feel that with every bit of awareness we achieve, we only become stronger and bigger.
I have always believed that we are all here for a reason. My reason is to show people what the disability rights movement is while working to highlight its importance in the world. Join the cause and make  change with me. Who's ready?  

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

What Does Empowerment Mean to You?

Empowerment. What does that word mean to you? What motivates you? Empowerment can come from many sources in our life and is one topic that came to my mind as I was pondering what I wanted this week's post to focus on. Life can be described, in my opinion as a most profound experience,unmistakably unique, and breathtakingly beautiful. In order to find out what empowerment means to you, you must work to find answers to the other questions first. You cannot be empowered without a source of inspiration or the possession of motivation.

The answers, though hard to find at times, can only be found within YOU. There's depth to everyone's soul; we all have a story. We all have struggle. We all have our own small victories that we are proud of and thankful for. We are all unique and beautiful in our own way. Empowerment is the true joy of embracing who YOU are; owning your strengths, and working to accept and overcome your weaknesses. Life is a journey of personal growth. Sources of motivation are the battles you've fought and won in order to get where you are in life at this very moment. Inspiration comes from those who surround you; the people who love you most. Empowerment holds different significance in everyone's lives, but the sources from which we start to feel empowered are the same: the transformation starts within us.

Look around. Life has so much to offer. Don't ever focus on the negative parts of your journey; they helped shape you, and they will continue to. Don't focus to much on success either; always stay humble and appreciate everything. Be thankful. Don't ever conform into someone who doesn't stand what you stand for. Never compromise your originality, your fierceness, or most importantly: the power to be YOU.

One of my goals for Molly's Zone is to encourage, and to get people thinking about how to get the most out of their lives; sure sometimes life can be hard, but we all have something to give back to this world. You might as well make the most of what you've got. What gets you up and moving every day? Whatever it is you love to do, keep doing it. Keep being YOU. Be inspired. Be motivated. Be empowered.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

My First APRIL Conference: New Experiences + More Joy

Hi guys! I've not posted to "Molly's Zone" for a hot minute, but I am more than excited to be back on the writing + publishing grind this week. I have been a very busy gal who's loving life, and I just wanted to stop by and give you guys a taste of some new experiences I've had that have brought me nothing more than pure joy and happiness over the past couple weeks.

I want to start off by saying again that my life has become so blessed and rich with powerful, beautiful, and emotionally tangible substance. A couple of weeks ago, I attended my first independent living conference as a West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council member; APRILCON this year was held in Spokane, Washington. (APRIL stands for Associated Programs for Rural Independent Living). I had a blast! It was busy and there was work involved, but it was oh so much fun!

I encountered and conquered many major firsts in my life on this adventure: first of all, this was the first time I'd ever flown, period. I freaked out a little on the very first flight, but after I survived that, I handled the remainder of the trip like a true professional! We flew a total of six times (three connecting flights to Washington, and three flights connecting us home to Charleston, WV).

The conference was an empowering experience from start to finish. The first day was the pre conference and the youth conference, then the following two days were filled with back to back workshops. I took away so much. In addition to attending all but one workshop, I co presented a college accommodations workshop, thus proving to myself that I can do so much more than what I thought I was capable of; it really enhanced my confidence and taught me not to underestimate the power I have within me.  I even got up in front of 400 + people at the Sunday evening banquet during the Youth Wrap up to share my experience and sentiments. It was then that I truly realized how strong my passion for this field has become. I will continue to work towards and hope for my growth and development into a vocal force who truly makes a difference. The two workshops I loved the most: a social media focused disability advocacy workshop and one on grants and grant writing. I truly learned from them as it helped me to realize solid goals that I have for myself as a disability advocate, an up and comer in the independent living movement, and what role writing will play in it all.

The social media workshop was presented by Rooted In Rights, a disability rights organization that focuses on giving people an outlet to advocate for themselves and others using film, and/or blog. I plan on being involved with them in the new future. I love being identifiable as a writer, and I'm excited to bring my work into the disability rights realm one day very soon.

I now have a voice and a bigger sense of inspiration and determination to keep going and to keep being Molly. So thankful for this journey I am on!

Thank you to my fellow WVSILC council members, to APRIL, and to the Reeve Foundation for the amazing opportunity to come be a part of something so special! I can't wait to come back next year being more involved on the Youth Steering Committee, to work hard, and to make even more friends!

I have more material coming up next week up through Thanksgiving, but I want to end this by thanking everyone for all of the support over the past two years. I love everyone. Thank you all for cheering me on during this amazing ride! "Molly's Zone" started a little over two years ago during the lowest point of my life, and it has not only been my greatest blessing, but it has also led to all of this; this incredible life that has given me purpose, joy, and has helped me to come into my own.

One message I have to share with others: In all of my life so far, I have truly learned that one has so much power through just being themselves, and so much joy to be unveiled by doing so; power to bring light, inspiration, and hope into a rather uninformed, non accepting world. I truly couldn't ask for more.

A Smoldering City

 If today were your last living day, do you know where your eternal place of residence would be? Would your heart be ready and fully prepare...