Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Dance Through Adversity

How do you want to walk along your path?
Do you want to tell the tale of a soul with a reason?
Or simply tell a story of someone whose joy lasts only for a season?
Will you cave under the pressure and give into society?
Or live as your clumsy self, and dance through adversity?

Are you someone who will always be shy, or are you going to be loud?
The tale of a survivor's spirit weary, but still be proud
A life that's present, alive, with faith shining bright
A future that sets before you, so hold on tight
How do you want to walk along your path?
Will you cave under the pressure and give into society?
Or will you follow Him, and dance through adversity

The choice is yours, with plenty of tries there is no failing
Live a life worth living, and tell a story worth telling
What kind of story are you writing?
Will you cave under the pressure and give into society?
Or will you do your best, and dance through adversity?

Clumsy. One word I use to describe the essence of myself; another word that would make my description complete is simply tired. I am finding though, that the world and I are a lot alike. Everyone has their own set of challenges and at times those said challenges can become so big that they seem as if they are a little much for us to handle. Trials effect us all in so many different ways. Living with cerebral palsy presents my biggest dose of adversity and that is severe fatigue. I am continuously adapting to a body that seems to be prematurely aging just a bit, and as with anything else I've come against I will work to overcome it. I recently purchased a treadmill, and I have to admit that walking until my body can't take anymore is actually fun; making myself feel better gives me something else to be proud of, besides my work life. I made a commitment to get myself healthy; and so far, I am succeeding.

In life, you really only have one choice. One monumental choice. A choice that will work to slowly make you or quickly break you. You have to decide whether you want to sit back and let life and your body destroy your determination and ambition. You have to work at setting your mind on the right goals and dreams. Don't forget where you are going. Push through. Dance through your adversity. Embrace it.

What kind of message do you want to spread in the world? I know that I choose to stand tall and fight my body, and take a swing at all the curve balls it throws me. I am pushing through with a smile on my face. Cerebral palsy is no match for me. I'm tiny, but I'm full of fire. I'm a writer whose inspiration comes from living strong and trusting in my faith. The Lord is my strength. My disability will never win me over because I choose to dance through adversity.

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