Tuesday, January 5, 2021

A Reason To Keep Moving

 The greatest obstacle that lies in front of us is that of ourselves. The quiet whispers of the world around us and the thoughts our human flesh produce can lead us into a sense of apathy and discouragement if we are not careful. It's so easy to get caught up in our circumstances. The loss of joy on this side of heaven is far too real right now. 

I have not written from my notebook in a long while, and I have had many messages laid on my heart even in the absence of the blog. I have been largely focused on my storytelling, which is a precious gift from the Lord that I have come to love dearly. The new year has given to me a reason to keep moving, and a deeper longing to keep serving Christ.  I plan to do just that as long as God has me here. 

The apathy and discouragement are two uncomfortable emotions that I experienced after my time as part of the independent living movement. My disability was all I was ever known for during both my childhood and teenage years. As an adult, it simply got old. My writing and service to Christ became   sporadic. I was tired  in all senses of the word. As I have looked back on that time in hindsight, I can recognize God's hand in every choice I made, and in every thing I got to be a part of; even in the midst of that long and powerful storm. I grew in a lot of important areas of life during the past few years, and I have quite a bit to say as part of my reflection. 

 It allowed me to see that my identity will never be in this world, and it certainly is not in the condition of any part of my body. 

Apathy and discouragement are what I chose to mention today because I know that the entire world is submerged in those emotions due to the global crisis we are in. As I said, it's easy to find yourself feeling indifferent when it comes to sharing your faith or your heart becoming discouraged because the evil in our society is growing at an alarming pace. I have had multiple waves of sadness throughout all of the COVID mess. It's a normal human reaction. Everything has changed. Nothing about life is the same. 

The tiny reference to my own life struggle paints the core of my message today: It's easy to let life discourage our spirit. The mind is a powerful tool. Our flesh and its desires can become the biggest distraction if we allow it to. Tiredness of the soul can set in, and it can keep us from doing what we are called to do. It can take us away from our greatest joys. 

Today's post is a long one. This is not exactly what I had written down verbatim, but I had this put on me through prayer, so I'm following His lead. 

We cannot quit on Jesus. The world needs to know about Him now more so than ever. I want to share  points that highlight some of the targeted areas I have found where Satan hits me the most; in those points, I also want to share a few words of encouragement and verses that always come to mind for me, so that you can find some refuge. I pray my words will be a help to someone who reads this.

1) Satan Will Work to Discourage Us:  The devil doesn't want us serving Christ. He knows his time left is short, so he is pulling all the stops to get us away from God. I don't want to write about it too much, but we cannot let him win. Any weakness you have is what he will latch on to. Any uncomfortable memory you have is something he will use. 

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."  (John 10:10 King James Version)

The best way that I combat discouragement is by reflecting on life as a whole. I have recently started doing that in my mind, and it seriously helps to remind me of the Lord's presence in my life, and of His love for me. I don't make a list. I just think back to all the opportunities I've had, and all of the blessings that I never expected to receive. I've even found lessons in the moments that were not great on my part. I've seen His hand in the worst of my past. Growth is a good thing. The best piece of advice I can give is this: If you do make a list of the good and bad in your life, don't look at it through your own eyes. Look at it the way Jesus would; see it through His eyes. If you try, your perspective will change in a flash. I will write more in depth blog posts on this in the near future. 

2) Satan Will Try To Get Our Mind off of Our Savior:  A lot of what I write here is interchangeable with the last point, but this is especially important in today's culture : if you are saved, this world is not your home. Any distraction be it big or small should be prayed out of our way. We need to keep our eyes on the Lord, because He is in essence all that we need in this life. Everything else is a source of temporary joy. Keep on going for Him, and don't lose heart. It's easy to be apathetic in today's world, but keep running the race. We have a reason to keep moving!  

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14 King James Version) 

3) This World Is Full of Fear; Fight It With Faith:  The virus is real and it has hurt millions of citizens around the globe. The media is participating in fear mongering that has gripped everyone's attention. People are arguing online. Violent crime has escalated. Riots are the go to way of standing up for something. It is important to be smart about what's going on, and I believe in choosing to avoid large gatherings both for your safety and your health. I don't think there is any real way to avoid the virus completely. I also am not fearful of what's ahead. I am concerned, but I don't fear. I choose to live by faith. 

"Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (Ephesians 6:11 King James Version) 

We may be in the midst of the unknown, but it is important to know that we all have a reason to keep moving. As Christians, we must share our faith with the world. Jesus is needed now more than ever. The reflective nature of the past year has shown me that. Don't let fear shut you down. Keep going. We have a reason to keep moving.

If you have never trusted Christ as your Savior, I encourage you to do so before it is everlasting too late. Jesus loves you so much. He died on the cross for your sins, and invites you to trust in Him for eternal life in Heaven today. Even if you feel like you're at the end of your rope in life. Keep going . You have a reason to keep moving. 

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