Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The Sufficiency of His Strength

As I was reading in Philippians the other day, I ran across an all too familiar verse. The whole theme of this book shows us that we shouldn't allow anything to drive a wedge in between our relationship with the Lord; no matter the emotional or physical battles we face, we are to trust in Christ because He will faithfully give us the sufficient amount of strength that we need to deal with the trials that are thrown our way.

So often we choose to fight our battles on our own. We rely on our abilities and life experiences to guide us through the toughest of situations. The coping mechanisms that are handed to us can give us a deeply guarded outlook that leads to a pretense of strength; after a while, we start to feel invincible when dealing with it all.

In those very moments, we often start to lose our direction as the path travels a different route than what we envisioned.

The circumstantial moments that build our reliance upon Him. Those instances that show us who He is.

The precious reminder that His sufficient strength is always needed. 

How can we begin to experience the power of His strength in our lives?

We must remember:
1) We're all human. Life is unpredictable and messy; we can't help ourselves in the way that Christ can. True sufficient strength is found in trusting the Word of God and leaning on Him through every circumstance.
Don't solely trust in yourself for any reason. Do what you are capable of, & let God handle the rest. No matter what you're dealing with, call upon Him and He will help you through.

"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." (1 Peter 5:7 KJV)
2) Allow yourself to be rooted in His word. His words serve as a light onto our paths. You need Him every single day. We all do. Let Him help you grow your faith and trust in Him, by allowing His Word to help you see that His guidance is necessary for all things.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." (Psalm 119:105 KJV)

Be content with what you have & refrain from indulging in the comparisons between yourself and others. Don't let the devil discourage you from experiencing the fullness of God. Please remember that you are who He made you be for a specific reason. He has a sweet purpose and a precious plan for your life.

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" (1 Peter 5:8 KJV)

The sufficiency of His strength can help you accomplish anything that you desire to do, and it can see you through every obstacle. It's important to realize that we must lean on Him through it all; to praise Him through both our tribulations and our triumphs.

Because His strength is powerful and sufficient enough for all.

This is one of my favorite verses. A perfect reminder of who Christ is, as it ends this sentiment perfectly.

"I can do all things through Christ, which strengtheneth me" (Philippians 4:13 KJV)

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The Matter of Choice

 The matter of choice carries so much significance. 

We make choices every single day of our lives. We decide what clothes we will wear, and what will do with the twenty-four hours we are given. We even choose our place of employment and which souls we want to consider as friends.

I could go on naming the countless other decisions we get to make in this life, but the point I wanted to make today is this:

How much of your day is spent glorifying God? Life is certainly busy and the daily matters take up a lot of our time, but it is important to make the choice and set aside time to spend with Him in prayer, to live for Christ, to serve Him whenever the opportunity arises.

Why is how you spend your time so important?

1) Many are lost in this dark, forsaken world and on their way to Hell. It is important to witness and share the Gospel as much as you can using any avenue possible. Some may be receptive, while others become angry or defensive. That's okay. In those cases, you've planted the seed and all you can do is pray for their souls. Keep trying if you're given the opportunity to speak with them again.

I've had conversations with people who have told me: "I know I need to get saved, or "I'll get saved someday". The problem with that mindset is that we have no way of knowing when our time to get right with the Lord will be up. Someday may never come because the devil is a notorious liar and loves to tell people that they have plenty of time. The end of life can happen at any given moment without warning. Don't wait. There will come a day when you will have no more chances to make that ever so important decision.

"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." (James 4:14 King James Version)

Your place of eternal residence is the most important aspect of your existence.

The second reason that our choices are so important is that they help map out the scenarios in our lives. Have you ever made a wrong turn on your journey? In the heat of the moment we may choose to complete a task halfway or to say something that may hurt someone's feelings, or hastily choose to indulge in actions that serve no long-term benefit. Hindsight has a tendency to be crystal clear and often we discover the right choices we could have made. The positive thing about those wrong choices is that God can use those "wrong turn" types of situations to help you learn and grow in your walk with Him.

But we must do our best to live right & to follow Him as closely as we can. You never know which one of your closest pals, co-workers, or lost family members may be watching how you conduct yourself and the example that you set for Christ.

3) The third and last reason that our choices matter so much is the most important of all: God won't be concerned with the friend group you were a part of, or how well-liked you were. He won't care what color your hair is, and he won't care about how much money you have. The particular area of inner shame has always been difficult for me because having a disability and growing up with incessant bullying and abuse throughout all of my childhood and teenage years worked to shape the way I viewed the world in a lot of ways until the Lord began dealing with my heart on that matter. I've clung to those around me when I should have chosen to cling to Christ. I didn't pray about any of the painful happenings in detail for a long while. The thing to remember is that He knows your life better than anyone else can ever know you. He will find a way to get you to face the uncomfortable areas in your life in one way or another. If you think you are shielding parts of your life from Him, there's nothing you can hide from Him, and you should never hold anything inside. He's always been there for me & He will always be there for you too. I've matured a lot on my journey & have felt my attitude shift for the better. I don't enjoy the term "self-love" so I'm not going to promote that. You don't want to be high-minded or boastful, but Christ wants you to see yourself as He sees you: Wonderfully made in His image. Be comfortable with who you are because He loves you so much more than you could ever imagine. It's not about self-love. It's about choosing to trust in Christ and to accept God's approval as enough for your life.

"I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and my soul knoweth right well." ( Psalm 139:14 King James Version)

He is concerned with how you deal with your circumstances.

God will deal with us as individuals & cares deeply about the smallest of details. He is concerned about the choices we make each day.

So many are engrossed in the pleasures of this world, but in the end, none of that will matter. I've noticed that most of the people in this new generation are all about themselves. This a generation of followers. Young people are into all the Tik Tok trends, reality television, and YouTubers. (I still don't quite understand the terminology behind "social media influencers...what is that?)

None of that will matter.

Everything will boil down to the personal choices that you made when you stand before God and give an account of your life.

"But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matthew 12:36 King James Version)

I am so thankful that Christ gives us endless opportunities each day to make the right choices. Open your eyes and see that this world offers you nothing. Your outward appearance holds no true meaning at all. The condition of your heart and eternal end for your soul defines everything.

Please come to Christ and trust in Him for salvation before it is too late. It will be the best decision you'll ever make.

Don't live as a follower, live as a leader for Christ.

"And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." (Joshua 24:15 King James Version)

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Running Home: The Good Shepherd (Part 1)



    The abundant peace and sense of freedom that momma dreamed of as a little girl had found its way to our family. Momma continued to work at the dress shop. It always gave her a smile and a sense of purpose. The workers and Mrs. Hillman had grown to be a second family. Momma meant a lot to the customers. Her creative designs and ability to sew quickly garnered the loyalty of many regular shoppers. Momma was a loved and well-respected part of the city. Her life was abundant in blessings. The family's faith and humble beginnings shined through each of them like the brightest rays of the sun. 

The little bell sounded as the door to the shop inched open. The young woman looked familiar, as she frequented Hillman's quite a bit. Momma always loved having the chance to meet people. She found her voice working in Charleston. Every day the town seemed to be bustling with more and more people. 

"Hi!" the young woman said sweetly as she looked around the shop. 

"How can I help you?" Momma walked up to the lady, smiling from ear to ear. 

"I need a dress for a dinner party that I'm goin' to. Oh...I love this one with the bright floral pattern. It's so pretty!" 

The woman touched the fabric of the dress and her eyes lit up with excitement. She walked over to a rack with several articles of clothing, picking out a grey pencil skirt and admiring it before moving on to another rack nearby. 

"Y'all make the prettiest clothes." The woman said, stopping to rearrange the clothing in her arms. 

"I definitely want the skirt!" she continued happily. 

"Let me take that for ya. You got your arms full." Momma smiled as the young woman continued to browse. 

Momma draped the grey skirt over her arm and moved to the woman's side to help her find some other options as well. "What about this one?" Momma held up a royal blue party dress. "This is one of our best sellers." 

The woman's eyes widened. "Oh, I love that one too! I can't decide! You pick." 

Momma thought for a moment. "I think you would look stunning in the royal blue." 

She smiled brightly. "You think so?" Well, I'll take the dress and the skirt." her voice cheerful. 

Momma added the dress to the skirt she was carrying and walked to the cash register. 

"I want to thank you for helping me. What's your name?" the young woman asked. 

"My name is Melda." Momma replied with a smile. 

"Thank you so much for your help!" the woman said.

"Oh, it was no trouble at all!" Momma said happily. 

"No, I love it all. You're the best!" The young woman held out her hand. "I'm Cookie, by the way." 

Momma shook her hand and couldn't help but notice that her fingernails were painted a perfect mauve color. 

What a sweetheart.

Momma finished her day and drove home. The evening was early yet and she was looking forward to time with her family. 

Mamaw Sylvia always came over to help with dinner when momma worked. Most of the family had their own lives by now, but Mamaw still helped as much as she could. She loved her family. Dad came in from the farm as momma helped sit the last bowl of food on the kitchen table. 

"Hey, darlin' how was your day?" Dad asked, his eyes lovingly fixed on Momma. "Oh, it was great. I had the nicest girl come into the shop today. She didn't look much younger than you Gordon," Momma said with a chuckle. " I helped her pick out a nice royal blue dress." 

Dad smiled proudly. "That's great. Was it that party dress you were workin' on a few weeks ago?" 

"You bet and she loved it!" Momma smiled excitedly. "Her name is Cookie an absolute sweetheart." 

"Of course she did!" Dad beamed with pride. 

Momma sighed. "It's the first time I've ever gotten to help someone in the shop. I'm glad I took this job years ago. It turned out to be a huge blessing after all." 

"We're all proud of ya!" Mamaw Sylvia said, planting a kiss on Momma's forehead as she got up from the table. "Anybody want coffee?" 

Sunday evening rolled around and we headed down the road after finishing our dinner. Dad looked a bit more tired than usual, but no one thought much about it. He'd had health problems, but had seemed to recover for the most part. "He's probably just overdoin' it, but there ain't no tellin' him to slow down." Momma would always say. 

Dad shook everyone's hand as usual, and after he took his seat, stood up as service started and the preacher allowed the church members to share what God had done for them. 

"My Lord has always taken care of me and my family," he spoke boldly. "Melda and I have been through the wringer in our lives," Dad paused, momentarily, the words of praise trickling out of him. "When I didn't have no momma, Jesus was there. When we lost our Mavarine, Jesus was there. He smiled, as he motioned to momma and me in our seats. "I remember when my wife and I were young. He helped us both in mighty ways. He's been our shelter. He's been our rescuer. He's always provided for us. He saved our souls from a fiery hell." Dad recounted, as a tear fell down his cheek. "I am so thankful for what Christ has done for me. Life has been more than blessed because of Him. I don't know what else to say, but thank you, Jesus." Dad raised his hand, as he stood for a few minutes more before returning to his seat. There were several shouts of amen before we realized something was wrong. Dad's body instantly slumped over. 

"He's not breathing!" A lady beside me shouted. "Somebody call an ambulance!" 

Dad's funeral took place a few days later at Uncle Everett's house. Momma was heartbroken. "I just can't believe he's gone." She dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. "I don't know how to go on without him. We were kids when we met." Momma hugged her sister tight. "He's in a better place. Such a wonderful man." Momma sniffled. "Thank you for everything, Della. I don't know what I would do without family." Momma continued. "At least he got to see Gordon grow up. That boy looks just like his dad." 

I'll never forget the feeling of those first few days without him. I knew we would get through it. Momma needed me, and I would always help take care of her. Still, I loved my dad. He was my first hero. A true testament of how a life of faith should be lived. A shining example of how one should always follow Jesus and trust in His leading with all of their might. 

Christ is the door of eternal life; the good shepherd will bless you in ways unexpected. All you have to do is allow Him into your heart and trust in Him to save you from an eternity separated from Him in a fiery hell. My dad showed me how important it was to share your faith. He testified until his very last breath. Through it all, my family never stopped trusting in the good shepherd. 

The Bible Way to Heaven

First, you must recognize that you are a sinner, and in need of a Savior. 

“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23 King James Version) 

Christ gave His life for all of us, taking the payment for our sins on the cross. Jesus loves you so much, that He died for you. There's no greater friend than Jesus. His devotion is unmatched.

“But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5;8 King James Version) 

A life without Christ leads to an eternity in the Lake of Fire, and a permanent separation from God. The greatest gift is the free offer of eternal life in Heaven. You won't be able to get to Heaven through morality or good works. Salvation is by grace through placing your faith in Jesus Christ. 

“For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23 King James Version) 

Anyone can call upon the name of the Lord to be saved. God gives everyone the free will to make the choice to place their trust in Jesus, and His heart is always open to anyone who calls upon His name.

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13 King James Version) 

The last step is simply placing your faith in Jesus through prayer by vocally acknowledging that you are a sinner who cannot acquire eternal life on your own, and asking Him into your heart and to save to save your soul from an eternity in Hell, accepting His free gift of Salvation. It is so worth it. Please don't wait. Tomorrow is not promised.

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved". (Romans 10: 9 King James Version) 


A Smoldering City

 If today were your last living day, do you know where your eternal place of residence would be? Would your heart be ready and fully prepare...