Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Running Home: Leaps Of Faith (Short Story Series Story #7)

                                           (November 1941: Lincoln County, West Virginia)


A time of war brought forth a lot of uncertainty in our family. The past six years were full of precious little blessings and memories that we were thankful for. But if time is a teacher of any lesson at all the most important one is that taking a leap of faith is sometimes the only choice you have. Life hasn’t always been easy for us, yet through it all God has remained faithful. We knew no war would make a difference.


World War II placed America in the midst of a global battle and its draft affected many families. James and Frank’s younger brother, Everett got sent overseas a little over a year ago. Working on the farm, the house chores, and life with little ones proved to be a welcomed distraction. We stuck together as a family and took leaps of faith daily; still trusting in the Lord with all our might.


Attending church and hearing the preaching of God’s Word was the most important part of our Sundays. It was the only day that we all had the chance to relax. We would sit around and talk about the day while our children played or napped a few feet away. I know mama enjoyed havin’ us over, but I still wish there was more we could do to ease her fears. One Sunday visit, in particular, led to one of our family conversations that I will never forget.


“I sure hope James is alright out there,” she said with a tearful sigh. “This is the first time I have had one of my babies away from me.” She got up to pour herself more coffee. “ I pray every day for, that’s all you can do..but, it seems like he grew up so fast.”  She sat back down in the living room across from us.


I went over to her, enveloping her in a hug.


“I’m sure he’ll be fine, mama. He’s tough,” I said reassuringly.


“I know. I just wish I could protect him. I raised ya’ll to be strong, but he’s still my boy,” her voice became quiet.


“My dad’s been havin’ a time too with Everett being gone,” Frank chimed in. “But he says it will be alright, we gotta pray for strength and courage for them and us,” he said.


Mavarine walked over towards us with Gordon toddling behind. Frank took Gordon in his arms, while Mavarine settled right onto mama’s lap. Her sparkling green eyes and big smile always lit up a room. I don’t think we could’ve prepared for what happened next.


“Uncle James will come back safe Mamaw. Don’t worry,” she said sweetly. “Can we pray for him?”


“Why don’t we do that?” mama replied with a smile. “Would you like to pray for him Mav?” she continued with a smile.


“Dear God, Please keep my uncles safe. Me and my family worry about them, especially my mommy and mamaw. Oh, and thank you for my house and my brother. I pray my mamaw cheers up real soon. In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.” she finished with confidence.


“That was a very nice prayer, sweetheart,” mama said, enveloping Mavarine in a hug. “And you know what? You made me feel better already!” she continued, kissing her on the cheek.


The precious moments spent with family were among our greatest blessings. The unwavering love of a child can sometimes be the reminder we need. Lean on Jesus and take those leaps of faith through the unknown with a boundless spirit of courage.


“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

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