Thursday, March 7, 2024

Questioning or Trusting?

Sometimes we spend more time questioning God than we do trusting Him. 

This thought has continued to swirl around and I couldn't go without sharing it. Today as I was making up my bed and beginning to start my day, I couldn't help but remember my childhood being filled with tantrums. Especially if something didn't go my way. It was not a pretty sight. Some of them I remember well, which tells you, I was old enough to know better than to do that.

My mother and I have spent the past six months moving furniture in hopes of giving our house a fresh new look (each of the rooms are finished aside from taking the bed out of my workout space.)

But to be completely truthful, I have never enjoyed the process of change. I always end up loving the end result, but there's always those initial thoughts such as "why should we change it?", "I like the way things are." or "I don't really want to do it that way".

That's when I find myself in a mood.

It's way too easy to become comfortable in the easiness of our current situation and it's just as difficult to understand why our circumstances have to change.

Sometimes we spend more time questioning God than we do trusting Him.

The Lord has a perfect plan for your life and a wonderful purpose for every season you encounter. The process of change will always be a necessary part of the journey.

His plans are always SOO much greater than any that we could ever imagine for ourselves. 

Maybe you're upset over circumstances that have never made sense. You might even be uncomfortable with the unknown, and that's okay too.

Are you questioning God or are you trusting Him?

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." (Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV)

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