Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A Shareworthy Thought


I have written and shared countless messages surrounding the following thought; as it has been placed on my heart to share yet again, I will never pass up an opportunity to do so.

I will always love sharing this part of my testimony. It has forever given me the greatest joy.

As a teenager, I was always someone whose greatest desire was to feel love and acceptance from those around me, namely peers within my own age group. I fiercely held this belief that being classified as different was somehow not okay. Those years of my life were truly devastating and it was more than difficult to see the reasoning for it all. 

Anybody who was anybody in school never wanted much to do with me. I was known as "the smart kid with a disability" and that's seemingly all I had going for me at the time.

As I continue to grow older, I am able to look back and see so much of the Lord's divine protection through circumstances that were incredibly painful.

From the beginning, I was separated and set apart for His glory. I missed out on so much that could have wrecked me, and I couldn't even see it at the time.

I share all of this again to reiterate that we are living amongst dangerous days. The prideful presence of sin continues to be welcomed and encouraged....the theme of the all new and upcoming generation that we are witnessing reaches far beyond the search for love and acceptance. There will never be enough words to describe the darkness that exudes from most of today's youth.

May you never feel ashamed to stand out and away from the crowd; it will never be wrong to live a life separated and set apart by God. You may seem strange or unusual to some, but that's perfectly okay. Just keep on keepin' on.

Sometimes what feels like the most painful rejection could actually be His divine protection. 

And if you've never trusted Christ as your Savior, I encourage you to allow Jesus into your heart tonight. You need to know that the path you're currently traveling on will wreck you in ways you never thought were possible.

Choosing to follow Him is the greatest decision one could ever make. 

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