Tuesday, March 8, 2016

And....I'm Back!!

Hello March! First of all, I just want to say how thrilled I am that spring is almost here! I am more than ready for warmer weather, longer days, and plenty of sunshine! Who's with me?? I am also ecstatic to announce my return to "Molly's Zone"; I have missed doing my weekly posts so very much; it is a great thing to slowly be regaining some structure in life; a routine is a must for me.

Mom and I have officially moved! We have gradually been settling in for the past three weeks and while it is a bit of an adjustment, having twice the amount of space that we had before has been enjoyable; I am loving the farm like surroundings and the much quieter nights and mornings.

The actual moving process is never easy for anyone; I was in charge of packing and at first I tried my best to be as neat as possible, but as moving day grew closer, the level of neatness plummeted. I have learned that there is no "neat" way to move! I faced a lot of frustrations with my body; it is times where I have to be physical that my disability makes a painful appearance. As I've gotten older, the wear and tear on my body has made muscle issues due to my cerebral palsy more prevalent; about a year ago, I started to have horrible back pain and I ended up having to endure six weeks of physical therapy to "unfreeze" a joint in my lower back; I became very upset at one point during the move because I had a few intensely painful nights after lifting and lugging so many boxes around and was afraid my joint troubles were returning; I had moments where I felt discouraged and thought "Why me?" I soon realized that I just couldn't go full force all the time and I learned to rest when needed; the pain eventually subsided and I handled the rest of the move without complications.

I am proud to say that through it all I have kept pushing myself and have always tried to exhibit strength. You truly can accomplish anything if you really put your mind and soul in it; I'm living proof! I haven't let any circumstance get me down for more than a second; I have come to realize that if you let Him, God can take any situation you may face, whether it be positive or negative and turn it into something He can use for His glory. I am so grateful and appreciative to all of my readers and I continue to be thankful to God for the opportunities I've been given through Next Right Steps; when I was at my lowest, He gave me something to smile about and an ability to truly be used by Him. God is good!

I'm looking forward to getting to work on new material; I am hoping to blog about some activities that I plan to get involved in during the spring and summer months (I've been considering blogging about art therapy, perhaps book or TV show reviews...I'm not quite sure what direction I want to go in yet but the possibilities are endless). My main purpose for doing blogs of that nature is to help others to focus on activities that are doable for them instead of getting caught up in what they aren't able to do; I know that once I learned to change my negative thinking patterns it made all of the difference in the world; I still have bad days, but that's just the way life goes. I have been enjoying this wild and wonderful ride and I can't wait to see where life leads me to next; every day keeps getting sweeter. Stay tuned for next week's post titled "How to Deal with Anger!"

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