Tuesday, April 19, 2016

The Importance of Self Expression

Self expression is an aspect of human existence that is essential in the development of a healthy individual; so many of us neglect to notice others individuality simply because the world conditions us to think self expression is something that makes us odd or out of the ordinary; that couldn't be further from the truth. This week I want to discuss the importance of self expression; I have some healthy advice on how to tap into your individuality and live life to your fullest potential. I hope all of my readers take away something positive from today's post.

First of all, one must establish a sense of self worth; once you have an idea of who you are and what you want to make of your life, your desire to express yourself will increase greatly. Now, I'd be lying if I said I have all of life figured out; I don’t and I don't know if I ever will; the repercussions of growing up and being labeled "different" include low self esteem and no real sense of self, simply because most of your childhood is spent trying to be a "normal kid", what ever normal can be described as these days. The road to individuality begins when you decide that who YOU are is good enough for the world; sure, I have days where I feel like banging my head against a wall and days where I question my whole existence; those are normal human thoughts and feelings; I have learned that it's okay to cry every now and then. Luckily, those feelings pass, and I realize that I do have a purpose and I will find it; so will you! Everyone is here for a specific reason, you just have to realize that your unique self is enough and push yourself to make the best out of your life; how you handle what you've been dealt is entirely up to you. 

Secondly, you must find a way to healthily open up and express your thoughts and emotions; for me, my self expression shines through my writing. As a little girl, I was the worst about bottling up what I felt inside. I began having issues with depression at a very young age; every person should be honest and own every part of themselves; society definitely doesn’t make it an easy task, but the good news is as you grow older, you do acquire interests that help you find yourself; my hope for my life is that it turns out to be something truly remarkable that I could never have imagined for myself. I have a dream, and that is to help others who deal with any type of disability, whether it be mental or physical, to make their lives better and I am determined to make that happen; you have to realize your passion and summon up the strength and courage that it takes to accomplish greatness.

Lastly, you must aim to remove any doubts from within yourself; doubt is what I refer to as " the number  one trigger" for the onset of feelings of worthlessness; doubt and success don't mix; my dream is mine and I'm staying focused and that's what you need to do; it's okay to be in your emotions briefly, but do your best not to stay in those feelings. Write them down. Share them. Be open. Be honest. Life isn't made of unicorns and rainbows; sometimes you have to learn to step outside of yourself and find a spirit of determination that is undefeatable; the most important outcome of self expression is to make a positive mark on this planet; that way you will have achieved your dream and your life will reflect what you are fighting for in the most unordinarily wonderful way. 

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