Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Fun Activities I Like

Hey everyone! I decided to make today's post super short and sweet, simply because I wanted to write about a few fun things that interest me. Life can be enjoyed in a clean manner without all the worldly craziness. I consider myself relatively boring, but sometimes quiet and boring is just perfect. We are at a total of forty blog posts today, and I have yet to share in detail the kind of stuff I like to do in my spare time, so here we go: 

1) Amazon Prime shows- I'm pretty sure everyone has heard of Amazon Prime. I love Amazon so much! Signing up for a subscription not only gives you free shipping on most items, but it is also similar to Netflix, because the membership allows you to watch a large selection of TV shows and movies and the choices you have always change; at times they may remove something, but mostly it is constantly having something added. I love it; it is AWESOME being able to watch a show without commercials. I don't watch regular TV anymore, except for the news on occasion. I'm always writing, and my office sees more of me than my bedroom does. I love my job. However, I do have my off days and watching a good series is a great way to unwind. As of right now, I'm finishing up Glee (amazing show!), and I'm really into SurvivorYou've Got Mail is on my watch list, and I haven't seen it in a long time, but I'm hoping to watch it one night this week; I love that movie. 

2) YouTube videos- I love YouTube! I visit it daily thanks to an app on my phone and I'm subscribed to several channels. You can find tons of mindless, clean, and funny videos on the site if you really look. I follow one woman from Texas, who is an ex fashion designer who now has over seven million subscribers; I love her! No filthy language is present in her videos, and she seems to really want people to have a good laugh; her videos are personal vlogs, food taste testing, makeup tutorials/reviews, etc....My favorite video series of hers is called "Does This Thing Really Work?", where she uses and reviews "As Seen on TV" products. I'm not much for being into fashion or make up, but I love her personality, plus the fact that she keeps her channel clean. I try to at least get one video of hers watched every morning with my coffee. 

3) Books- Books can provide the greatest adventures! I have just recently gotten back into my reading habit and I'm so glad I did. Right now, I'm reading both Me Before You, by Jojo Moyes, and New Moon by Stephenie Meyer; and for the record, I in no way believe or endorse the possibility of vampires, it is just a book I'm reading; as I said, reading can provide a great fictional adventure. 

I'm sorry for the post not being longer; I know I'm usually way more passionate with what I write than I am today. I have been having trouble with my fingers and hands slightly aching the past couple days and I think I've hit the writing too hard; seriously though I have really no idea why this is occurring, but I am planning on taking a week off just to give everything a rest. I am still anticipating my new article with The Mighty to be released soon, and when it does I will post it to Facebook as well; as of today, it still has yet to be reviewed so it's just a waiting game. Thank you guys so much for reading and I will be back on September 26th! 

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