Hi everyone! I just want to take a moment to thank you for checking out today's post, and if by chance you are a first time reader, then I would like to personally welcome you to my blog. "Molly's Zone" continues to be a blessing to me and it has been truly one of the most wonderful things to see the Lord using me by putting thoughts onto my heart, words into my head and by allowing me to touch so many. I am so very thankful for what He has done and continues to do in my life. I apologize for running so late today. I usually post in the afternoons, but this piece took a bit more thought as it's been on me for several days; I wanted to express myself in the right way.
I have felt that one of my purposes for being on this Earth is to share the lessons I have learned throughout my walk with the Lord so far with those who read this. I know in my heart and soul that I am to forever express the importance of first of all receiving Christ as your Savior and secondly, staying on the path for God; the society that we live in today glorifies sin and the beautiful picture it paints can make it so hard to do that. I'm not perfect at all, and I don't profess to be. We all fall short of God's glory. He is the only righteous person that has ever existed. I would like to discuss three crucial reasons why it is so important to stay on track for Christ, and to seek Him in all you do.
Salvation is Not A License to Sin- A common issue that I've seen pop up in society today is the view that salvation gives you a "free pass" to sin. A way to put it simply is that it most certainly isn't. So often we neglect to do what we know is right and we choose to do the things we know are wrong. We act on things that are socially acceptable, instead of standing up for what's right and friend, that's the wrong way to go about it. We as Christians are to be examples of Christ and to share the Word with nonbelievers; that's the very reason why it's not a free pass. You can't possibly please God and live in sin at the same time; and living that way not only reaps consequences for you, but it can turn off the nonbeliever.
Damaged Testimony- I made a reference to this last week, but once again I cannot stress enough how important your lifestyle choices are: it is your personal testimony of what God is in your life; not only by your words either, but also by your actions. Think of it this way: you may be the only source of God in someone's life; they may not come from a Christian background. I'm sure they will appreciate the loving kindness and the faithfulness you show Christ with your life so much more than minutes or an hours worth of ungodly "fun"; they may not agree with you, and they may even get angry, but in the long run they will remember it and that's what's important. Listening to Satan's lies gives him access to you and he can and will throw anything your way to try and knock out your light for God. Don't give him that satisfaction.
Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season; (Hebrews 11:24 KJV)
Live Every Second for God- I struggle so much with having a strong love for everybody; I say love is struggle because I've stumbled in my walk because of it; but that is not the end for Miss Molly. I have been practicing self discipline and have asked the
Lord to help me rid my life of things that aren't important. Facebook has taken a back
seat. I log on and I like and comment on things, but I do not use Messenger with the focus of talking to all my friends every single day. It's impossible, by the way. I do like to tell people hello. The only person you should talk to every day is God; He should be a top priority. By making that small change, I feel God's presence on my life so much more than I ever did. (There's a startling difference between Him being on your life versus in your life) He has helped me to purify my life in ways that I didn't even realize He could. I love everybody, but I'll just let you know this: if I don't agree with something you're doing, I will not participate in it. I don't drink at all. I do my best to pray regularly. I attend church. I read Scripture, and most importantly I live by them. Don't settle for being a halfway Christian; God has so many blessings in store for you that you could miss out on! Take the entire stand. Pray and tap into His direction for your life to access Him: His way is the only way to go!
Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls (Jeremiah 6:16 KJV)
An extra verse I wanted to include:
And be not drunk with wine; wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit: (Ephesians 5:18 KJV)
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