Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Molly's Self Care Activities Part 2

I'm still awake late tonight writing; ahhh...I just love the feel of a new ink pen. Am I really halfway through with filling a third notebook? I really enjoy writing so much; it seems like my brain is a never ending pool of ideas and stories. When I do take time to just shut that part of me off (which can be hard to do) I like to relax and give my head a much needed rest. The topic for tonight's blog is a continuation of last week. I mentioned the first four activities in that blog: my coffee addiction, plenty of rest, keeping up with Molly's Zone, and hanging out in my office. I hope you all enjoy the rest I am sharing in this blog! I don't know if it will end up being six things listed tonight, as the rewrite I've done kind of shortened it, but here it is!

1) Books/Movies/TV: I am not a huge television fan, but to me there's nothing more relaxing than binge watching shows on Amazon Prime (you'll understand perfectly well if you are someone who has Netflix). The past few weeks I have been into working so much on material that I haven't taken any time to return to watching anything. Tonight's blog will be my last until July 11th, so a whole holiday week of shows, movies, and books awaits me. One book I am taking forever to read is "Me Before You". I had previously started it and stopped, and I've recently picked it back up again, but had to restart it because I lost track of what had happened. I am enjoying it, even though the plot has a sad backdrop to it (sorry no spoilers though!) Definitely a must read! Go check it out if you haven't already! 

Everyone knows I really love Survivor; I am also re watching Glee; I really like all of the music, and the fact that they included characters with disabilities. I am so excited to finally be able to check out  the Netflix show Fuller House tomorrow (nobody tell me anything in the comments, I want a fresh, first hand opinion of my own). I bought the first season on DVD today and that's how I plan to spend my Wednesday afternoon. I'm so hoping that it doesn't ruin the original for me; a lot of these reboots old shows are doing are cheesy. I also purchased a couple movies: "Hidden Figures" (saw it in theaters and loved it!) and "Blended" because I not only love Adam Sandler, but I also am in love with any Adam Sandler & Drew Barrymore movies! 

2) Food & Friends: Good food is something that I always enjoy. I'm not sure if I would consider it a real relaxation activity, but I'm just a happy person and I find joy in the smallest parts of life. Texting friends is another thing I love to do; I don't have many that I talk to regularly, but hearing from them always makes my day even better than it already is. I really appreciate each conversation. God has blessed me with some of the most special people. 

3) Reminiscing on How Far I've Come: So tonight's blog definitely didn't make my list add up to ten activities, but there's so much to be said in just these three more. I sat out on my front porch all day yesterday, and just though about how life has turned into something so sweet. I remember being a little girl and not liking life at all. I loved school, but the day to day living in itself was difficult. Now, I am more than okay. I survived. I'm doing great. I am looking forward to seeing God play everything out in my life. I am trusting Him. I have never been more at peace with who I am than I am right now and getting to that point of accepting yourself and wanting to push forward is what I want everyone else to experience, because it is truly wonderful. I think my life is going just the way God planned all along; the seas I've rode on in the past were quite rough, but now that the storms are gone, I am ready for a beautiful adventure filled with confidence and persistence. 

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