Tuesday, June 13, 2017

The Best Friend I've Ever Had

Have you ever sat down and thought about the people you love most? Has there ever been one person who understands everything about you so much more than you understand yourself? The person who is that special someone in my heart is Jesus. As I sat in my office and pondered over a topic for Tuesday, I couldn't think of anything. The past couple days have been kind of different for me, as I sent my sweet golden lab to a new home; I am quite heartbroken, but I know it was the most loving decision I could make for her. I always try to keep my posts positive and light; but I also feel like being real with my readers is important too. 

Saturday night was my first official all nighter at my desk in months. I had coffee, and I had a good talk with Jesus; after our talk and having my feelings fade away, I felt so thankful for His gentleness and love towards me. I love the fact that He listens and always helps. I felt this post should be a thank you to Him and my encouragement to others to trust Him with all you have. As a writer, I missed my late night rough draft writing sessions; He has given me the gift to write so eloquently, and lately so many opportunities have come my way. I am surely blessed. A year and a half has taken me so much farther than I ever thought possible. My favorite room in my house is my office: a place where I work, pray, and dream. 

I have plans to return to the blog full time (going back to my original weekly posts on Tuesdays), and venturing into whatever else God leads me to. Without Jesus, I would be nothing. I have still been doing my weekly Skype chat sessions and I love it so much; I love being a mentor/ My only hope is to inspire and to be a friend. I will be happy to be returning to church regularly and strengthening my relationship with the Lord. He is my hope and my peace. He's given me so much. Stay tuned for next week...I will be writing about some life guidance tips (my favorite self care tips I have discovered and love). Thank you guys for all your support!


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