Monday, June 19, 2017

A Letter to my Mom (Thank You)

Dear Momma, our second Mother's Day has already passed and yesterday was just a typical Sunday for us, but feeling inspired and in the spur of the moment I decided to dedicate a special blog post to you just because I want everybody to know just how much I love you. Life with you has certainly been an adventure full of twists and turns. You have been there to celebrate my best moments and comfort me through the worst. I am as strong as I am because of the person you helped me become. I am so happy that God meant for us to be together on this journey. As time goes on, I am seeing more of you in me and I feel blessed because you've been the best mother anyone could ever ask for; you've worked hard to make sure I have had everything and more while instilling in me the importance of a good work ethic. Your unconditional love is not something that I know much about, as not many have loved me in that way but I am so thankful that you have given an example of what love should be: You love me as Jesus loves me, unconditionally with no end in sight. I love you. I love that you've been such a great example of faith and trust in the Lord for me. God knew I was going to need someone tough and as trusting in Him as you are. I often live by emotion; that is my one true weakness. 

We often laugh and joke about how we are the same age physically. I am so happy that I have someone in my life who can understand how I feel on those days that I just feel like quitting. When I'm frustrated with my body aching and the slightly more noticeable fatigue I've been experiencing lately, you are always right there to cheer me up with your sense of humor. You make me laugh. You give me joy. My heart swells with happiness every time I think of us. I wouldn't be anywhere in life without you. Thank you for giving me this life. Thank you for pushing me to go to college. Thank you for pushing me to become something. Thank you for supporting my writing career and for cheering me on; I'm not exactly sure where the Lord is taking me yet, but it is quite exciting. I'm glad you get to experience it with me. 

I have watched Mom struggle, scrimp, and save every penny. We have been through a lot, and I just want to say I'm so proud of her. Single mothers deserve so much more credit than what they receive; single moms are the true heroes and are truly inspiring. Mom, I know how much you dislike Mondays, so I hope I made you smile. I wouldn't trade our life for the world.

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