Friday, December 29, 2017

What I Did On Christmas (2017)

Christmas time has come and gone, and as we are coming around the corner to another year...I can't really let "Molly's Zone" finish out 2017 without telling how my Christmas celebrations went. The two days were spent with my Mom, as we cooked Christmas Eve dinner together, (most of it the day before because she had to work a bit on Christmas Eve). I always love spending time with my mom, and the holidays are always so peaceful and fun for both of us.

We opened gifts Christmas Eve night, and my most favorite present was a set of purple luggage. I only had one  little suitcase that I took to Spokane with me in October, so now it is nice that I will have a full set to bring along on my next adventure (and, plus it's purple...have I mentioned that is my favorite color?)

I also got a lot of nice new clothes and jewelry, but most of all I just enjoyed being with family. Mom and I usually have a small family dinner, but that is perfectly fine with us. If there's anything my mom has ever taught me, one of her greatest life lessons has always been that less is more. She has always made sure that I never go without, but that I also never stop being grateful and thankful for everything I have. I love you mom. I am so appreciative of the life I live and all of the success and happiness that 2017 has allowed me to experience. I only hope my journey continues in 2018

Thank you all for supporting "Molly's Zone" for the past fifteen months. Writing has been such a blessing for me and has given me a support system in life that I never had before. In writing that, I mean that I am so grateful for the people that I've met and my fellow writing friends that I've met through various platforms. You all are my support system, Thank you. A thank you also goes out to my family for cheering me on also!

That's a wrap for 2017! We are on post number seventy eight! So exciting! See you in 2018! Lots of fresh new material coming your way!

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

A Hello From Heaven

A hello from Heaven
One of life's little treasures
A testament of love that cannot be measured
A sweetest sign of eternal love
With two angels smiling, beaming proudly from up above

A hello from Heaven
A smile planted on my face
As fleeting memories of childhood rush me
Those memories immortalized by His grace
As I feel their loving arms forever around me

A hello from Heaven
Mamaw Ruby thank you
Irene, I love you and give you hugs and kisses too
I appreciate you both for still loving me as much as you do
Thank you for watching out for me
And cheering me on so very loudly
Jesus, you've blessed me beyond measure
A hello from heaven, so unexpected yet pure
A true blessing that helps to heal my aching heart for sure

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Why Cerebral Palsy Is My Escape

Many moons ago, I don't think I ever would have thought of telling someone, "I'm really happy with who I am". I used to live with a most negative attitude about life, because all I ever did was fight so ever defiantly to be what I considered to be "normal". I lived to tell myself I had one goal in mind: I wanted to fit in. I was determined to be popular. I so badly wished for a way out of my teenage misery but, no matter how hard I tried or how long I searched, I could never seem to find.

A loophole. A safe space. An area that was free from the negative toxicity of the chains that seemed to surround my daily life.

No, I could never quite reveal that "safe space", or even prove its existence.

That is, until now.

Defining myself requires a lot of thought. I have grown to be grateful to even have the life I have; sure cerebral palsy is not an ideal situation but I choose to feel blessed about it. I wanted to share today the reasons why I now see cerebral palsy as my safe space, my escape.

First of all, I feel that without my disability and the experiences I've had due to it, I would not be the same person at all; my life is what has made me "Molly". My cerebral palsy exists only as a small portion of me, yet I hope it serves as a source of encouragement for some. My goal in life now is to continue inspiring others disability or no disability to live their lives to the fullest, to do what they love, and to keep going no matter what obstacles may stand in the way. Yes, I have off days but despite my physical and sometimes emotional barriers, I am blessed.

Second of all, cerebral palsy has worked to shape my life and my being in such a beautiful way. I live life as a humble person and I am truly thankful for every opportunity that I've had. My life road has led to my burgeoning career as a writer and disability advocate; I have been given a life that is so wonderful. My confidence has skyrocketed in the last few years, as I have learned the most precious of all life lessons: people with disabilities can be successful!  My identity as a writer has been a great extension of who I am. I love what I have been called to do. Writing is my greatest therapy, my greatest escape.

Lastly, cerebral palsy is my escape because it has turned into something that has given me so much purpose. Drive. Ambition. Goals. My disability gives me something to fight for. A reason to live. I think life would be pretty boring if I was "normal". I wouldn't trade a single ounce of my life for anyone or anything! My message is: Be you. Be happy. Be grateful that you're alive and well. Life is as beautiful as you make it. We only get one blank canvas to paint. One life notebook to write our story in.

Cerebral palsy has opened up a whole new world in the last few years, and has turned into my "safe space" in this dark, cold world. I am me, and if someone doesn't like who I am, then I guess they will have to go find someone else's parade to rain on. I choose to be happy. I choose to show others that your plain and simple life, can be your escape too.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Dance Through Adversity

How do you want to walk along your path?
Do you want to tell the tale of a soul with a reason?
Or simply tell a story of someone whose joy lasts only for a season?
Will you cave under the pressure and give into society?
Or live as your clumsy self, and dance through adversity?

Are you someone who will always be shy, or are you going to be loud?
The tale of a survivor's spirit weary, but still be proud
A life that's present, alive, with faith shining bright
A future that sets before you, so hold on tight
How do you want to walk along your path?
Will you cave under the pressure and give into society?
Or will you follow Him, and dance through adversity

The choice is yours, with plenty of tries there is no failing
Live a life worth living, and tell a story worth telling
What kind of story are you writing?
Will you cave under the pressure and give into society?
Or will you do your best, and dance through adversity?

Clumsy. One word I use to describe the essence of myself; another word that would make my description complete is simply tired. I am finding though, that the world and I are a lot alike. Everyone has their own set of challenges and at times those said challenges can become so big that they seem as if they are a little much for us to handle. Trials effect us all in so many different ways. Living with cerebral palsy presents my biggest dose of adversity and that is severe fatigue. I am continuously adapting to a body that seems to be prematurely aging just a bit, and as with anything else I've come against I will work to overcome it. I recently purchased a treadmill, and I have to admit that walking until my body can't take anymore is actually fun; making myself feel better gives me something else to be proud of, besides my work life. I made a commitment to get myself healthy; and so far, I am succeeding.

In life, you really only have one choice. One monumental choice. A choice that will work to slowly make you or quickly break you. You have to decide whether you want to sit back and let life and your body destroy your determination and ambition. You have to work at setting your mind on the right goals and dreams. Don't forget where you are going. Push through. Dance through your adversity. Embrace it.

What kind of message do you want to spread in the world? I know that I choose to stand tall and fight my body, and take a swing at all the curve balls it throws me. I am pushing through with a smile on my face. Cerebral palsy is no match for me. I'm tiny, but I'm full of fire. I'm a writer whose inspiration comes from living strong and trusting in my faith. The Lord is my strength. My disability will never win me over because I choose to dance through adversity.

A Smoldering City

 If today were your last living day, do you know where your eternal place of residence would be? Would your heart be ready and fully prepare...