Thursday, February 22, 2018

Overcoming The Challenge of Self Acceptance as A Person with A Disability

The challenge of self acceptance is one part of maturing that I feel everyone goes through in some form or fashion; as a person with cerebral palsy, I have braved this battle and have first hand experience with overcoming the "wanting to fit in" phase of the disability journey. I want to share what has pulled me through the hardest of times and to the state of mind that is accepting of myself. Sure, I continue to be faced with this struggle from within; I want my life to be a reflection of light and love.

First of all, gaining wisdom from those around me has been crucial to my daily life of constant learning and evolving. My mother has never failed to provide me with helpful advice during the times when I least expected it; she always knows what to say. Friends from my present and my past have also served as teachers of lessons I needed to learn in order to be the person I am today. I have truly become a much better person from all of my experiences.

Age is another aspect that has played a definite role in the development of self acceptance. I am not sure how else to put it into words, but life seems to eventually position you into a head space where you realize that your happiness and contentment solely depend on YOU. Your thought processes change drastically. Others' opinions become minuscule in size. Your focus becomes centered around finding out who you are and what you can do to contribute to society.

Lastly, finding my place in the world as a writer and meeting so many wonderful people who have disabilities and are successful with what they do in life has served as such an inspiration to my soul. My writing career has opened many doors that I am thankful for, including my career in the independent living field. I have grown in my confidence. Life slows me down at times but nothing will ever completely stop me. Don't ever give in to your mind and who you think you are. You are so much more. Focus on what you CAN do, not what you can't. The possibilities are limitless.

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