Friday, June 29, 2018

A Mother & A Daughter

A mother and a daughter
What’s to be said about those two?
A bond so deep, so pure
Similar souls and trials lived through

A mother and a daughter
How many memories we’ve had
Abundantly countless in measure
Our days together are ones I treasure

No one can love me the way you do
Except for Jesus, and I’m thankful He gave me to you
Unconditionally and forever
That’s you and I
A mother and daughter
A closeness no one can deny

A daughter so thankful
A young heart filled with love
Oh, for what God’s given her from up above
What’s to be said about us two?
I love you, I truly do
A love greater than another
Simply, always between
A mother and a daughter *Part of a piece published with Unwritten* *Original title*

Yes, I Am A Christian

Yes, I am a Christian, and I’m here to stand and say
That Jesus is who I live for every single day.
I don’t claim to be perfect.
My life has been filled with stumbles and falls.
I’m glad I have a friend who’s always there to answer my calls.

Yes, I am a Christian, and I’m here to spread the Word
About a man of whom some have not yet heard
He is my strength, my hope, and my light
Who gives me these words I so passionately write.

Yes, I am a Christian
Who will always need His guidance.
The touch of His hands, His loyalty through thick and thin
Because I’m not perfect, and I rely on Him.

Yes, I am a Christian, and I love Him so.
He’s blessed me more times than I probably know.
I’m not perfect, and He doesn’t expect me to be,
Just for me to hold on to Him tight is His only plea.

Yes, I am a Christian.
Jesus, this is for you!
I hope you know how much I love you. *Part of a piece published with Unwritten* *Draft Title*

Monday, June 18, 2018

Begin Again

Creators of art often lead lives that release the energy of intrinsic motivation; whether it be through a piece of music, an entire album, a painting, or the feelings evoked from the beauty of a simple word: art is derived from inspiration.

The question we are left to ponder is simple: where or what introduces such creators to that immense feeling and undeniable deepness in their soul? What creates art with such grit and passion?

The loss of our creative edge for even the smallest amounts of moments can serve to prepare us for newfound boldness; creative blackouts undoubtedly strengthen our shine and works to plunge us right into the positive realm of being our most passionate selves; refocused and relatable; as we create work to be felt and enjoyed.

A visionary of any particular artistry must be relatable. The best inspiration often derives from a pure, unrestricted, and passionate soul. A liberation in its truest form.

All you have to do is decide to begin again.

A Smoldering City

 If today were your last living day, do you know where your eternal place of residence would be? Would your heart be ready and fully prepare...