Friday, June 29, 2018

Yes, I Am A Christian

Yes, I am a Christian, and I’m here to stand and say
That Jesus is who I live for every single day.
I don’t claim to be perfect.
My life has been filled with stumbles and falls.
I’m glad I have a friend who’s always there to answer my calls.

Yes, I am a Christian, and I’m here to spread the Word
About a man of whom some have not yet heard
He is my strength, my hope, and my light
Who gives me these words I so passionately write.

Yes, I am a Christian
Who will always need His guidance.
The touch of His hands, His loyalty through thick and thin
Because I’m not perfect, and I rely on Him.

Yes, I am a Christian, and I love Him so.
He’s blessed me more times than I probably know.
I’m not perfect, and He doesn’t expect me to be,
Just for me to hold on to Him tight is His only plea.

Yes, I am a Christian.
Jesus, this is for you!
I hope you know how much I love you. *Part of a piece published with Unwritten* *Draft Title*

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