Friday, July 6, 2018

June: The Adventure Kickoff

Summers are often seen as times of adventure and the month of June for me was just that; I feel as though it truly ended as quickly as it had arrived. "Molly's Zone" went through a bit of a hiatus as I went through a dry period. I wasn't feeling inspired. June was a great month full of new opportunity for Miss Molly. I am just now getting around to sharing my month with you all, and I apologize. I mulled over a post to help kick off the summer just right in these past several weeks & my adventure into the new realm of writing that is grant writing seemed to fit the mold of exciting experiences to share.

The training happened during the first week of June, and I truly learned so much valuable information. I am a woman of many goals, and grant writing has forever made my bucket list of writing career goals. I learned all about the different forms of grants, where to look for them, and how to sharpen my ability to play with words in order to write a successful grant proposal. It was a great two days! I have so many opportunities and possibilities in life right now & I am truly blessed.

The training was sponsored by Volunteer West Virginia and given by The Grant Advantage. The instructor was wonderful and I had the privilege of making even more awesome connections. I want to be someone who attempts all she can in life despite enduring the slightest of cerebral palsy. I have a blog, I'd love to work as an editor, and one of my ultimate dreams is to be a disability rights activist. My mother has always taught me to go after absolutely every dream in life.

I have relaunched "Molly's Zone" this summer & I am trying to release some new material before I go on another adventure in the next week or so; I leave on the 14th for a two week work trip. One week will be spent in Phoenix, Arizona doing youth leadership training and then I get to experience a week in Washington, DC advocating for the rights of those with disabilities. I am so excited! I am living my best life & I am so happy to see it all unfold. I am looking forward to practice grant writing once I return from my travels.

Weekly posts will be a thing again, I promise. As a writer, I have learned that inspiration isn't always there. You have to step away when necessary. However, I am happy to be back & I'm feeling more inspired than ever. If you haven't already, please feel free to hit the subscribe button on the blog! Thank you for reading! I truly love what I do.

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