Thursday, September 27, 2018

Will You Hold Onto Your Faith? (Food For Thought Series Part 2)

Faith is a HUGE component of living to the fullest extent for Christ. Sometimes, we as humans get in the habit of talking about how much faith we have, but do we really hold onto it tight enough? Do we pray enough? Do we thank the Lord enough for all that we have?

Most importantly, are we considering Him in every choice we choose?

I think we can all say there are times we stumble. But you know what? He still loves us unconditionally and that is something I'm thankful for. I have come to know that when I don't lean on Him enough, my life can quickly seem like it's spiraling out of control. My life story theme seems to be the one of craving acceptance; I don't know exactly why. Logically, I know He's enough, but somewhere there's always this little voice that says I'm not enough and I'm not worthy of anything. Satan loves to try to persuade us that what we think of ourselves, or what others opinions of us are carry so much more importance than what God sees of us. The truth is that Satan tells some convincing lies; I'm prone to falling into his devious mind traps every so often.

Changes begin to occur once I get into the habit of looking up at the unseen, instead of what's visible all around me. Faith is so important and can get you the peace that passeth all understanding. Faith can give you a new start. Faith can change your heart. Faith is everything. Get on your knees. Pray. Ask Him to provide you with healthier habits. Go to church. Read your Bible. Limit time on social media & your smartphone.(Those things are unbelievably addictive & toxic to your soul). Get involved in your community in ways that speak to your soul in a healthy way. Don't overload yourself. Don't be something you're not.

Life will change. I've began seeing a therapist just as a means of cleansing my life; learning what areas I need to pray about, aspects of myself I need to change & in a week's time I see a difference. I've been praying the past several days over His involvement in my therapy, and He has very much been a presence in helping me to re establish that tight connection with Him just in this first week of journaling & talking with Him several times a day in the comfort of my office. I'm nowhere near 100%, but with Him I believe I will get back to good as new Molly. (I will do a separate blog on this topic in the future!).

In the midst of it all, will you stand for Him? Will you hold onto your faith?

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