Saturday, October 27, 2018

Will You Speak Your Mind? (Food for Thought Series Part 3)

Life continues to be my most thorough of teachers; at 26 years old, I have traveled down unimagined paths and have grown immensely through the numbers of lessons that have been revealed to me. I have experienced meltdowns of a sort, and have always risen from them a better human being.

The most valuable lesson that I feel God has been trying to push through my stubborn,  yet soft spoken head is to speak my mind whenever I feel there is a need. I think He has finally gotten through to me, as I have started to branch out of my shell a little more than I used to. I have been dabbling with sharing my honest thoughts; I have a sense of empowerment from seeing them being noticed and seeing that no one thinks any less of me.

Always do whatever you can to help yourself have that peace of mind; don't let Satan and his tool of anxiety and fear stop you from enjoying your life. I know he attempted to stop me from writing regularly and I gave in for a while, but I am once again back at it full swing. I love doing this food for thought series, because it's literally just me at my computer desk typing my thoughts for the day. No fluffing involved.

I am who I am, no explanation needed. For a long time, I wrote that but never lived it out. I always cared what people thought. I always wanted to feel like I belonged. I am doing okay after going back to just being myself, and I didn't need therapy to realize that; it has been nice to have someone to talk to who is human and is not a friend or a family member, but I have to say that praying does a much better job.  I want other people to accept  themselves as well and I know so many who don't.

Very rarely do I formally publish my writings anymore and that is because  I don't care how "famous" it is or how much attention it gets; if the words I write change one person's life in some way then I will know I've done my job.

The lesson of the night is simple: Be you, do what you love to do, speak your mind, and be at peace with who you are. Focus on your relationship with Christ. He is what matters above all.

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