Thursday, November 1, 2018

My 100th Blog Post!

One hundred blogs. I can't tell you the days I have spent waiting for that number to appear beside the label of published posts. Life sure has been a wild, wonderful, and interesting journey during these past three years of blogging! I have more coming for you all either tomorrow or early next week. I haven't spent time deeply working on  blog material right now, as I am just enjoying being home and all cozy.

However, I have been working on some fiction. A fun, side project.

I cannot believe it's November. I have a couple topics in mind for the coming weeks, so be on the lookout for them! I haven't got that many words swirling in my head today, but I do want to say a huge thank you to all of my readers for supporting me through all of my adventures. I am so thankful for Jesus who gave me the platform to begin with; I wouldn't be traveling the road of life that I am on if it weren't for Him. I am thankful for the blessings and gifts He gave me.

Happy 100th blog post, Molly's Zone!

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