Thursday, November 8, 2018

He is Enough

Life has a way of bringing us through the most interesting and powerful experiences that serve to teach us the most invaluable lessons that perhaps we didn't know we needed to learn; at the end of it all though we know that experiencing such a time sharpens our faith and awareness of the darkness devouring this world and its inhabitants. A recent season of my own journey awakened such a realization as this in my soul.

A soul is a highly impressionable; humans these days seem to latch onto whatever is acceptable in the world and I've noticed this especially among the youth of today.We pay mind to Satan's carefully crafted lie that who we are or what we are doing for Christ is not enough. We always want to do whatever we think will make us happy; not realizing that the life God gave us is priceless and precious; that He is enough for us; that the smallest of a life is a blessing. We forget to have appreciation for what we do have. We start to feel as if nothing is enough for us. We desire more. We question Him. We endlessly search in  the darkness for satisfaction that will never serve to permanently soothe.

We look for purpose. We look for meaning.

What do those two words really signify in this life anyway?

First of all, we need Christ to guide our lives and we must lean on Him and trust in Him for all things; including the teaching of lessons that sometimes are really tough. Tough lessons create wisdom. I like to think of God as a parent; sometimes we don't make the best decisions and He knows what will happen, but He lets us find out on our own; He allows us to experience growing pains; the seeds of deeper faith & trust in Him.

The same is true for every soul. If you don't know Christ as your personal Savior, I encourage you to trust in Him today. The walk of faith is not easy, but you too can experience having a friend like no other. One that will guide you and love you every step of the way. One that will give you joy abundantly. 

Don't fall for Satan's convincing deceit. He cannot give you the everlasting peace in which God can. His only intention is to steal your joy and to kill your spirit. There's no purpose to be found in the darkness of this world. No real meaning. 

Remember, He is enough. 

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." 

John 10:10 King James Version

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