Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Time For Family (Thanksgiving 2019)

In writing this post, I spent what seemed like forever coming up with a new concept for a Thanksgiving themed post. 2019 has truly been an interesting year full of change; this will be the first holiday that I don't get a "Happy Thanksgiving" phone call from my grandmother, nor will I have the opportunity to see her in person. I still find myself thinking of her often, though the sadness phase of grief has lessened. I pretend that she is still at my aunt's house as a way of coping. My mind likes to imagine that I just haven't gone to visit with her for a long time.

Loss is difficult and I thought of many others who are facing such a thing during the holidays. I don't know if you ever truly get over it. I think you just adapt; however, life is never quite the same as before. I know a lot of people are hurting; I don't have much to say other than to hold on to your hope. Make it a priority for this Thanksgiving to be a time for family. 

Trials and tribulations come and go. Life is not as hopeless as one may think. A new normal is doable. Keep going. Watch and see your story be the door that leads to someone else's victory. Be a help to someone. Make it a priority to cherish the friends you love by designating a few hours as a time for family. 

Open up your world to anyone who may be struggling this season. Lend them an ear (perhaps a cup of coffee). Listen to their story. A struggling loved one who needs your help. Don't turn them away. Give them a chance. Let them know you'll always make time for them. Let your hearts be opened to a time for family. 

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