Thursday, December 5, 2019

Testimony Series: When You Are Tired

Even when I am tired, I still have a lot to praise Him for. Another Thanksgiving has come and gone; now begins the Christmas season. A time to reflect on all that He has done for me.

I am in the middle of a cerebral palsy induced fatigue spell, and I haven't felt much in the mood to sit down and write; however, I cannot let that completely stop me from sharing what His presence means to me.

Writing has always been a passion of mine and I feel so blessed to have the opportunity to serve Him through my words. Fatigue has made unleashing that creativity a little more of a challenge; I am thankful that He gave me a sense of determination to push through even when my body doesn't want to.

I know that there are so many ways that I could be a better witness for Him. I tend to stay to myself more than I should.  I love that He loves me anyway. When I am tired, He lets me rest if I my body needs it.

When I am tired, He helps me to push through and do things that I need to do.
When I am tired, He listens without judgment. He understands. He doesn't force me to go beyond my limitations.

When I feel like I have no where to turn to, He's there with open arms. When I am down, He is able to comfort me beyond comprehension. When I am joyous, He celebrates with me. When I mess up, He  lovingly corrects me and patiently guides my feet.

When I am tired. He gives clear direction and wisdom.

He can be all of these things for any of you that trust in Him.
Cast your cares and troubles upon Him.
He will help you when you are tired. 💓

"Cast the burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved." (Psalm 55:22 KJV) 

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