Thursday, November 7, 2019

Overcoming the Presence of Distraction

Distraction has become an all too common presence in our society; its venom exists as a powerful and dominating force. The convenience of social media, the glistening lure of the smart phone, and unlimited access to knowledge and any sort of music that our hearts may desire at the surface serve a positive purpose; technology is handy when a situation arises and help is needed quickly.

The sheer availability of technology itself is not in question. I am referring to how many people in society might admit that they are unhealthily attached to their electronics. As a young woman and writer, I was wondering what to touch on next and my writing just hadn't seemed as inspired as it once was. I'll admit it. Boldly. I love my phone. I had countless games downloaded onto it and aimlessly scrolled through my social media for the majority of my days. I hadn't been writing as much, lost my focus on Christ, and neglected to spend time in my office that doubles as my prayer room. I became too enthralled with that little piece of the outside world.

That thought posed a few exploratory questions and introduced me to the subject of the words I write this week: Has anyone else ever stopped to take inventory of their days spent and to consider the amount of time that is dedicated to those gadgets? Have you considered how much of your life is taken up by the presence of any kind of distraction? How much precious time do we spend glancing at the world in place of spending time with the Lord?

Becoming distracted in our walk with Christ often begins small and grows at an alarming rate; when something in the outside world overrides your relationship with Christ, it is time for that something to go.

The great news is that distraction can be dealt with effectively and a person can start over anew in Christ; any time we fall short and mess up, God is there to catch us. Don't let life discourage you. Don't ever think that you've messed up too many times for the Lord to use. As someone who has dealt with being easily distracted in the past, I had it laid upon my heart to share a few ways the Lord has been working  on me recently to help me overcome distraction in my walk.

A Change in Mind and Heart:  The human state is truly remarkable; the fullness of eternity is hard to grasp and we so often focus on what's in front of our faces. This world is all that we have ever known and life sometimes has a way of putting things into perspective. The loss of my grandmother has still been difficult to handle one month later; her passing made me view eternal life in a sweeter and much more real way; I always thought of it before, but when you have someone up there who you were close to your whole life, the way you look at things begins to change. My faith, my eyes, and my heart were all sharpened for the Lord after her passing. I don't concern myself with being liked anymore. I don't worry about what friend group I'm in.  My confidence is not in the world. As long as I am living for Christ and doing all I can for Him, then I don't sweat the small stuff.

"Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken." ( Proverbs 3: 25-26 KJV) 

Helpful Tip: Write down all of the parts of you that make you self conscious. Write down your anxieties. Your hopes. Your whole heart. Every thought you have. Have a discussion in prayer with the Lord about everything. Before I was called to write, I suffered terrible depression & felt pretty hopeless as far as purpose goes and writing my thoughts down and praying about them after really helped the Lord and I to grow closer. I don't even write stuff down now, I just get on my knees and talk to Him. Those spur of the moment talks really help my soul and I encourage anyone else to try it.

Prayer: Prayer is essential in overcoming distraction of any sort. We can pray any time of the day and though my point is short and sweet on this note, it is important to keep your eye on Him. You never know, your story might just be someone's answered prayer for a bit of guidance. Christ can use anyone at anytime: even you and your fumbles; there is often much purpose in our path.

Helpful tip: Choose a quiet space anywhere in your house and make it your prayer space. Write down your daily routine, pray about it, and ask God to help you remove any bit of distraction that you may have. If you know that something is a problem area for you, trust your instinct, give it to God, and let it go and then pray some more. Think of your routine. Are any of those actions distracting you from your relationship with Christ? 

Prayer and the change in perspective that the Lord laid upon my heart led me to a fully surrendering heart. A heart of surrender allows Him to breathe life into the soul. Let go of emotion and place your trust in Christ alone. My life has been a journey and I don't ever claim to be perfect, but I hope my words are helpful to a soul who's searching for guidance or someone who is needing to find an end to their distraction and needs to get back on track with God. Let Him help you today.

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14 KJV) 

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