Thursday, July 8, 2021

Good Is Not Enough

 As I have taken more frequent blog posting breaks as the years have passed and now have stretches of time without a formal blog available for what seems like forever, discouragement often tries to find an unwelcome seat in my mind. I am able to quickly sense my thoughts delving into the territory of "I'm not doing enough for the Lord" or "I'm not a good enough Christian"

This stirred up the message that I have today.

What does "good enough" even mean? What does that entail? The definition could be different depending upon whom you ask.

I want to focus on the two separate avenues the devil attempts to reach the human mind with the "good enough" trap of deceit.

The truth of the matter is that having the reputation of being the kindest person in the world alone will not and cannot get you into Heaven.

The lie that Satan loves to spread amongst unsaved folks is the misconception that if you're "good enough" all will turn out fine in the end. In today's society, solely living as a good human is a popular and definitive standard.

A similarly deceptive and dangerous tactic is used among those who are true born again Christians. Satan loves to tell those who have trusted Christ as their Savior that "you're not doing a good job" or he'll try to get you to stop serving the Lord because "no one really cares" what you have to say.

I wrote this message tonight, because I've dealt with these thoughts more than once as a Christian; on the other hand, I know a lot of unsaved people and hope this may plant a seed within them to not trust in their own good merit to be enough.

Whatever way the devil may be deceiving you tonight: don't allow him to do so. I'll end with this final thought:

Salvation and eternal life aren't dependent upon good works; it is a precious gift that Christ so freely offers to whosoever may call upon Him. You don't serve to be saved, you serve because you are saved.

It's not about you. Choosing to be good is simply not enough.

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9 King James Version)

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