Monday, July 12, 2021

Keep Your Faith

 How many times do we plan, outline, stress, and strive to do everything on our to-do list, yet we still don't get anything accomplished when or how we want?

But when we decide to stop in our tracks, take our time to meditate on whatever is laid on our hearts, & wait on the Lord to guide us in doing the things we need to do...we seem to be able to complete each task with ease.
Sometimes we try to count on ourselves for too much; we often find ourselves mapping out our lives to represent the path that we want to take; striving to do what we feel is good for us. A lot of the time we base what's truly good on our own definition, and end up feeling as if next to everyone else, what we do isn't enough.

Friend, in this life, we will always fall short if we choose to look around to one another.
God can take the smallest bit of what you are able to do & turn it into something useful for His glory. We have no power within ourselves. With His help, our light for Jesus shines bright for all to see.
The best thing to do is to stand still, wait for the Lord to lay something on your heart, take your time doing what you can & allow Him to take care of the rest. That's the true meaning of keeping the faith.
The mark you leave on this world will have nothing to do with how much you did with your life; it's all about trusting God's plan for your life in place of your own. That also means trusting in His timing through it all.

Don't lose heart and always remember to keep your faith.

"A man's heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps." (Proverbs 16:9 King James Version)

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