Tuesday, August 31, 2021

A World In Need of The Savior (Salvation Series Part 1)


The world we find ourselves living in today has become a place filled with venomous division. One glance at the news or a social media platform will paint quite the distressful portrait of a planet that's simply hanging by a thread. 

Everyone is full of emotion, desperately searching for a solution to this madness; something or someone that will save them in the midst of it all. 

I have seen this generation's true colors pop through with a vengeance during the past year and a half, and I'm sharing my heart and this salvation series because so many souls that I've met and known are lost and so many in the world are oblivious to the corruption and destruction that lies in front of their faces.

I feel like sharing His Word & to show everyone that I can possibly reach with my words. Your need for Jesus is most important.  There is no lasting hope to be found in a life without Christ. 

I have noticed a handful of attributes in our society that I wish to address in this week's post. I pray that my words would open eyes and touch souls. People need to wake up and listen to the truth of God's word.  

We are living amongst an angry generation. Everyone has been taken over by the division that has plagued us; forever pitted against one another. Malicious words are common. Opinions are debated upon. We're a world in need of a Savior to end the division that is causing the hatred to pour out from every hole it can seep through. 

We are living in a time of unprecedented entitlement. The selfishness of society is shameful and unreal. The new generation doesn't care about loving thy neighbor. They want everything without working for it; the complete opposite of what the American dream stands for.  We are a world in need of a Savior to remind us that everything doesn't revolve around us. The reminder to be selfless in our love of others is what I hope to plant in your hearts. 

Fear has turned us into cold-hearted and self-righteous people. The amount of arguing truly hurts my soul. Everyone knows or thinks they know all of the answers. Christ doesn't want us to live as self-righteous or cold-hearted. We aren't supposed to have the answers. You cannot get to Heaven simply by being a good and moral person. Folks need their hearts softened and their eyes opened. The lost people of this world are again so blinded by Satan. People need to quit bickering with one another and spend time focusing on the matter of their eternal resting place. It is a big deal and is no joking matter.

Let's look at 2 Timothy Chapter 3 verses 1-4 for a minute: 

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come."

"For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,"

"Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good," 

"Traitors, heady, high minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

These Scriptures completely capture the perilous world around us. We are truly in the last days. 

Lastly, we are living amongst a hopeless generation. You should NEVER place your faith in any temporary treasure on this Earth. Time is running out. Jesus will come back one day very soon. There's no hope to be found without Christ. He will be your greatest source in times of helplessness. He provides a light of hope in overwhelming darkness. 

"Thy word is a lamp unto thy feet, and a light unto my path." (Psalm 119:105 KJV)

I want others to know Jesus the way I know Him. The matter of eternity is so very important. Don't wait until it's too late to trust in Him as your Lord & Savior. Don't ignore the tug that might be on your heart this morning. He offers so freely the gift of salvation, eternal life with Him in Heaven safe from an eternity in the fiery pit of Hell.

"For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23 KJV)

ROMANS 6:23 KJV "For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

“For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13 KJV)

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." (Romans 10:9 KJV)

Let Christ meet your most important need today. You're never too lost for Jesus to save. 

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Running Home: The Good Shepherd (Part 2)


                        (Lincoln County, West Virginia)

    The weeks following the death of my dad truly tested the foundation of our family's faith. Life as we knew it would never be the same. Frank Lemaster was someone whom I was grateful for. He was momma's rock, and our family once again felt a deep sense of loss. 

The farm ceased to hold its charm as a new beginning was forced upon us. Dad loved everything about farm life. That's all we ever knew. Momma was devastated. She lost her greatest adventure partner and the love of her life. She would have to go on while carrying the precious memories in her heart. The one fact she held onto is that she would see him again one day. 

As a family, we would stick together. Jesus would help us through, for He has always been the good shepherd that we could trust in through every part of life. 

All of my mom's siblings came to visit us often. Aunt Della doted on us especially, and she was the best cook. Momma confided in her a lot. They prayed together. I often watched from afar.

"It's hard knowin' Frank won't be walkin' in the door," Melda said, as she sat in the living room. She reached up to her red and puffy face to wipe away a fresh flood of tears. Della reached for her hands and took them both in her own. 

"He was a good husband. A great father. He loved life so much. Y'all had such a great love story". Della, responded, her voice cracking as she spoke. "Nothing will be the same, but I know he would want you to keep on keepin' on." Della's eyes began to tear up. "But how do you do that?" 

"I know. I feel so lost without him. He left a big hole in us all." Melda said with a tearful sigh. "I don't wanna be without my adventure partner."

Della hugged Melda as hard as she could. "I can't imagine what you're going through. It'll be different" Melda dabbed at her eyes. "But Gordon is around, and the girls at the shop. There's no tellin' what God has in store for ya." A small grin spread across Melda's face. "I reckon I just hate havin' to sell some of his farm equipment. I don't know if this is what God wants or not. I just want to know why this had to happen." 

(Hillman's Dress Shop, Charleston, West Virginia) 

The next few days back at the shop were hard for momma. She found plenty of comfort and company in her friends and the loving customers who had heard what happened. In the next moment, she saw Cookie come in the door. An important-looking lady was with her this time. 

"That's the lady I was telling you about." Cookie said excitedly, as she pointed out momma. Cookie waved and they quickly rushed over to the counter. 

"Excuse me miss, Cookie tells you're the designer of these lovely articles of clothing." The woman smiled. " I just love coming in here, though I don't believe we've met.

"Yes, and no I've not seen you before". Melda smiled nervously as she reached out a hand. "I'm Melda Lemaster. How do you do?" 

"I'm Rosalie Combs" the woman replied. shaking Momma's hand. "You're quite a talent." Momma laughed softly. "Well, thank you...wait, as in Governor Combs?" 

Rosalie held a friendly gaze. "Yes. It's lovely to meet you!" Momma couldn't believe it. "What can I do for you today Mrs. Combs?" Momma was happy to help customers any way she could. Only wishing her hair had been combed better.

"Listen, I was wondering if you'd be interested in working for me as a seamstress." Rosalie smiled as Momma looked at her with a nervous gaze. "Now you don't have to give me an answer right away. But I just love your designs."

"Oh...I don't know..." Momma began.

"You take a few days to think it over," Rosalie said with a hug. "You're really good." 

Melda knew this could be the start of a great adventure. She drove home that evening with a new idea of opportunity for adventure. 

Rosalie Combs. Being a seamstress for her would be a dream. But it's a big step. What if I can't do it?

"What is the one thing you and dad always taught us, kids?" Gordon asked, reminding his momma just how much he really was like his dad. 

"To go on any adventure?" Momma offered, with a slight smile. 

"Yes, but also to always have faith in Christ through everything." Gordon sat at the dinner table, as he continued to eat the roast dinner in front of him. 

"I know Gordo, but this is a big deal. It's not a small thing." Momma spoke as she sipped her coffee. "I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet." 

"Well, I think you should go for it. Even if you don't know what God's plans are, you go after what life has to offer." Gordon got up from the table and hugged his mother. "Just trust Him, momma. He'll always take care of us, I just know it." 

Melda kissed her son on the cheek. "Gee, when did you become so smart?" Gordon laughed. "You can do it, mom, I know you can." 

Rosalie entered the shop as momma was finishing her workday. A few days had passed and she had made a decision. She knew this would be the right one for her and Gordon. 

"I've decided to take you up on that offer," Momma said excitedly, as Rosalie walked over to her. 

"Fantastic! Oh, this is going to be great! You'll see!" Rosalie walked with a hop in her step. "I'm so excited to have you! I know Cookie will be thrilled to see you again." Momma smiled as she was finishing her tasks for the day. "I can't wait. I have a son who is a great encourager." 

Rosalie laughed. "I know all about sons." She placed her hand on Momma's shoulder. "New adventures are always somethin" Momma sighed with contentment as she opened the front door. They both stepped out as Momma closed the door behind her. 

"When can you start?" Rosalie asked. "As soon as you need me!" Momma knew this right. She had prayed every night about which road to take. She knew that every thing would work out the way the Lord had intended it. 

The uncertain nature of life can throw us for a loop. Sudden goodbyes to what is familiar are never easy. Sometimes we have trouble sharing our deepest thoughts with the One who loves us most because the world wants us to be fearful of a new outlook or a chance at a new opportunity that would bless our lives in unexpected ways. Our family would never be the same.  That was for sure. But two things always remained: Jesus would always be the good and faithful shepherd in our lives, and momma and I were blessed with the love and company of each other. His faithfulness in answering our prayers in uncertain times proved the strength of His love. His devotion to listening to our every word through it all showed how much He truly cares for us. His remembrance of our deepest sorrows provides a glimpse into how well He knows us. His presence provides the greatest comfort. Whatever the future held for us, we would continue to place our faith in Jesus Christ and His great plans for us. 

The good shepherd was leading us on to yet another great adventure. Trusting in Him, we would cast all our cares into His hands. 

Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." (1 Peter 5:7 King James Version) 

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Freedom of Salvation

 The peace that Christ provides is truly the sweetest gift. The freedom of my salvation is one aspect of my life that I have marveled over during the past few days & I just wanted to write this little post to praise my Savior for all He has done, & for how He has taken care of me. His unwavering devotion to me through the passage of time has been a loyalty that no one else could ever provide. He cares for all of us in such an intricate & indescribable way. 

I am so thankful for the way He has watched over & cared for me.

Oh how sweet His love is! 

The darkness of life has the ability to make us feel as though we aren't free in some respects. Sometimes, the unfairness of evil rears its ugly head in our lives causing us to spend years trying to wrap our heads around why those situations occur to begin with. 

Trusting Christ with your life means choosing to give every thing over to Him. I can't say I haven't struggled along on my journey, but I have most assuredly been blessed beyond measure. 

I am thankful this week for the peace that I have in the freedom of my salvation. I am thankful for the freedom of His mercy & grace. I am thankful for my Momma and the love we share. 

I am thankful for Christ's remembrance over every detail of my existence, and for His faithful presence through it all. 

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, "

"Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39 King James Version)

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Seek Him Early

 Breakfast is an essential part of your day. I was always the person who woke up late, grabbing something quick, sweet & without bulk to count as my morning meal. I can't help but wonder how many of us automatically start our day this way without even giving it a second thought?

I researched some benefits of choosing to eat breakfast and the main ones I found were: you have a healthier heart, better concentration, & a more energetic start to your day.
Take this example & apply it to the start of your own day & your relationship with Jesus. What is the first thing you do every single morning? How early do you wake up?

An early start promotes better concentration.

"Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth". (Colossians 3:2 King James Version)
When we start our day with healthy choices, we concentrate better in everything we do. Spending time with Jesus becomes less rushed, & our prayers are more heartfelt. We share more of us with Him.

Spending more time in prayer sets an energetic tone for you throughout the day. I have found that I get more accomplished than I would on my own on any given day. I live my days more abundantly. I care even more about the people I love. I give my all to my passions, namely writing & piddiling around my house. I've known seasons where I've felt burn out something fierce.
Lastly and most importantly, breakfast is essential because it provides you with a healthier heart. That healthy heart will lead you to do more for God than you ever imagined. A healthy heart for Him is vital. You can't be who He desires for you to be without it.
“I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.” (Proverbs 8:17 King James Version)
Don't settle for skipping meals & allowing junk food in your diet. It's unhealthy. Whatever you put into your body is what will come of it. The same could be said for your relationship with Jesus. Let Him help you start your day off right with a nutritious breakfast that includes a conversation with Him.

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10:10 King James Version)

A Smoldering City

 If today were your last living day, do you know where your eternal place of residence would be? Would your heart be ready and fully prepare...