Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Running Home: The Good Shepherd Part 2 (Short Story Series Story #13)

 (July 1963: Lincoln County, West Virginia)


The weeks following the death of Frank tested the foundation of our family's faith. Life as we knew it would never be the same. The farm ceased to hold its charm as another new beginning came towards us. I lost the greatest adventure partner and the love of my life. I would have to go on while carrying the precious memories in my heart. As a family, we would stick together. Jesus would help us through. He has always been the good shepherd that we trust in through every part of life.


"It's hard knowin' Frank won't be walkin' in the door," I said, sitting in the living room. I reached up towards my face to wipe away a fresh flood of tears. Della reached for my hands and took them both in her own.


"He was a good husband. A great father. Y'all had such a great love story". Della, responded, her voice cracking as she spoke. "Nothing will be the same, but I know he would want you to keep on keepin' on." Della's eyes began to tear up. "But how do you do that?"


"I know. I am so lost without him. He left an empty space in us all." I said with a tearful sigh. "I don't wanna be without my adventure partner."


Della hugged me as hard as she could. "I can't imagine what you're going through. It'll be different" I dabbed at my eyes. "But Gordon is around, and the girls at the shop. There's no tellin' what God has in store for you." A small grin spread across my face. "I reckon I hate havin' to sell some of his farm equipment. I want to know why this had to happen."


The next few days back at the shop were hard for me. I found plenty of comfort and company in my friends. The loving customers who had heard what happened were a much-needed distraction. In the next moment, I saw Cookie coming through the door. An important-looking lady was with her this time.


"That's the lady I was telling you about." Cookie said,  tapping Rosalie's arm as they were heading in my direction. Cookie waved and they rushed over to the counter.


"Excuse me miss, Cookie tells you're the designer of these lovely articles of clothing." The woman smiled. " I love coming in here, though we haven't met.


"Yes, and no I've not seen you before". Melda smiled reaching out a hand. "I'm Melda Lemaster. How do you do?"


"I'm Rosalie Combs" the woman replied. shaking my hand. "You're quite a talent." I laughed, pushing a strand of hair from my face. "Well, thank you...wait, as in Governor Combs?"


Rosalie held a friendly gaze. "Yes. It's lovely to meet you!" I couldn't believe it. "What can I do for you today Mrs. Combs?" Momma was happy to help customers any way she could.


"Listen, are you interested in working for me as a seamstress?" Rosalie smiled as I looked at her with a nervous gaze. "Now you don't have to give me an answer right away. But I love your designs."


"Oh...I don't know..." I began.


"You take a few days to think it over," Rosalie said with a hug. "You're a talent."


I knew this could be the chance of a lifetime. I drove home that evening with a new idea of opportunity for adventure.


Rosalie Combs. Being a seamstress for her would be a dream. But it's a big step. What if I can't do it?


"What is the one thing you and dad always taught us, kids?" Gordon asked, reminding me of his father.


"To go on any adventure?" I offered, with a slight smile.


"Yes, but also to always have faith in Christ through everything." Gordon sat at the dinner table, as he continued eating.


"I know Gordo, but this is a big deal. It's not a small thing." I said, sipping my coffee. "I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet."


"Well,  you should go for it. Even if you don't know what God's plans are, you go after what life has to offer." Gordon got up from the table and hugged me. "Trust Him, momma. He'll always take care of us, I know it."


"Gee, when did you become so smart?" I said with a smile.


Gordon laughed. "You can do it, mom, I know you can."


Rosalie entered the shop as I was finishing my workday. A few days had passed and I had made a decision. I knew this would be the right one for her and Gordon.


"I've decided to take you up on that offer," I said, as Rosalie walked over.


"Fantastic! Oh, this is going to be great! You'll see!" Rosalie walked with a hop in her step. "I'm so excited to have you! I know Cookie will be happy to see you again." I smiled as she was finishing her tasks for the day. "I can't wait. I have a son who is a great encourager."


Rosalie laughed. "I know all about sons." She placed her hand on my shoulder. "New adventures are always something," I sighed with contentment, opening the front door. We both stepped out as I closed the door behind us.


"When can you start?" Rosalie asked.


 "As soon as you need me!" I knew this was right. I had prayed every night about which road to take. I trusted that everything would work out the way the Lord had intended it.


The uncertain nature of life can throw us for a loop. Sudden goodbyes to what is familiar are never easy. Sometimes we have trouble sharing our deepest thoughts with the One who loves us most because the world wants us to be fearful of a new outlook. Our family would never be the same.  That was for sure. But two things always remained. Jesus would always be the good and faithful shepherd in our lives, and we had the love and company of one another. His faithfulness in answering our prayers in uncertain times proved the strength of His love. His devotion to listening to our every word showed how much He cares for us. His remembrance of our deepest sorrows provides a glimpse into how well He knows us. His presence provides the greatest comfort. Whatever the future held for us, we would continue to place our faith in the good shepherd and all His great plans for us.


The Lord was leading us on to yet another great adventure. Trusting in Him, we would cast all our cares into His hands.


Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." (1 Peter 5:7)

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