Thursday, March 24, 2022

Running Home: The Palm of His Hand (Short Story Series Story #14)

 (Lincoln County, West Virginia: April 1971)


No one could prepare us for the turn that our lives would take after I accepted that job offer. Frank's sudden passing created such a huge void for us; nothing could ever replace him. A new chapter of adventure began that day, though we couldn't see it at the time. We always held onto the fact that God always provided for our every need.  We were forever safe in the palm of His hand. 


The newness of it all was quite overwhelming to me at first. Our lives became surrounded by undeserved plentiful blessings. Thankfulness and praise filled our hearts as the road of adventure grew sweeter. We knew that we would have the strength to endure whatever came our way because of His faithful shield.


Working on the farm fell away from us somewhat as my clientele grew.


Our days had become full of those new great adventures that Frank loved. Our story as a family began to blossom. Rosalie Combs had provided me with a golden opportunity. A life-changing one at that.


"You look lovely, Cookie."  Rosalie sounded cheerful as she walked past who was taking measurements for a new outfit. "Thank you," replied Cookie, with a wide smile.


"Do I look okay?" she spoke, turning back to me.


"Yep, you're fine. I hope you didn't get too tired standing there for that long." I said with a chuckle. "Are you nervous about next weekend?" 


"A little, but I'm so excited." Cookie spoke, elated. "Gordon means so much to me. I can't believe we've been together for five years."


"I am so glad he met you," I  said with a smile. "He's needed someone special in his life."


"Me too. It's so neat how God worked it all out." Cookie replied, stepping down from the tiny ledge.


The weekend arrived in a flash and another chapter of life for our family would begin. Gordon and Cookie’s wedding day was simple but so beautiful for all. Cookie wore her mother's gown. Clara hosted a wonderful reception at her house.


Music played as Gordon and I shared a dance.


I looked at Gordon as my eyes filled with tears of happiness.  "I'm proud of the young man you've become," I said as we slow danced. "I am so happy for you and Cookie. He smiled big. "She's a sweet girl, and I know you two are meant for each other."


"Thanks, Momma," he replied softly. "But, you know I wouldn't be half of who I am without you." I chuckled. "I mean it. You've taught me in ways you don't even know. And Cookie loves you too. " Gordon said, motioning towards her.


"And I'm happy for you momma with your new life." Gordon continued. "Seeing you at peace means the world to me."


"God has been good to us, kiddo. " I replied.


"Yes, He has. I'm really glad." Gordon said with a smile.


As the mother-son dance came to an end, I spent the rest of my evening reflecting on life. I quickly found myself remembering the blessings found through every circumstance. Through it all, God held us tightly in the palm of His hand. He had done many great things for us. 


“The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.” (Psalm 126:3)

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