Friday, January 6, 2023

Living With Intention (New Years 2023)

 I've stopped and started my Instagram account on more occasions than I care to admit; I kept it going for several years until I lost interest. I don't know, it just didn't seem like the place for me anymore. 

The time we're living in now is truly one for the ages: the presence of social media influencers and the love of self has taken over and watching it all unfold has grown and matured my heart in more ways than one. 

Please don't misunderstand me. I love encouraging accounts or those videos that cause a good belly laugh. I love those Insta posts that can make my day better. I follow several online blogs and puppy accounts myself. 

I wanted to come back to Instagram with the best of intentions. I don't know if I will keep it up or not. I'm still praying about it. I want to be absolutely sure my heart is fully committed to the Lord. So far, I am okay with this new beginning. (My account settings will remain private).

There are so many influencer accounts that are obviously viewer-hungry. To gain a certain number of followers guarantees you nothing but an endless search for the world's approval.

I don't want to be that way, and with Molly's Zone, that has never been my goal. I love the Lord & I am so thankful for His grace and mercy that I have never deserved. 

I want to continue on into 2023 with the full intention of serving Jesus with my whole heart; sharing all about who He is through the creation of my blogs and short stories.

Whatever journey you embark on in the new year, commit every second of it to Jesus and to the furthering of the Gospel. 

Take that leap of faith & never cease to pray. You never know where He will lead you. 

"Commit thy way unto the Lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass." (Psalm 37:5 KJV)

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