Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Get Up and Go


Have you ever needed to complete a task but couldn't find the motivation to do it?

I have easily lost whole afternoons by either choosing to look down at the ever-evolving craziness of my newsfeed or by simply sitting and watching what's going on outside my dining room window while drifting deeper into thought. 

It's not unusual to become unmotivated during times of difficulty or uncertainty.

It's natural for our hearts to lose strength when the going gets tough. It may even seem easier to try and hide away from it all.

In writing this today, my greatest reason for sliding in this thought on apathy is to encourage others to continue pressing forward for the cause of Christ.

Because there are countless souls that still need Him. Those that are lost and in search of something more than life on Earth could ever offer them.

You may very well be the only chance that someone has to learn about Jesus and the power of His saving grace.

Whenever I am in an apathetic state, I always try to remember this little thought.

It keeps me motivated, moving, and on fire for the Lord. I could never do one thing without that gentle loving push from my Savior.

We all need a little reminder of what it's all about, sometimes. Never allow the coldness of this world to stiffen your spirit. 

Always remember to keep your eyes upon Jesus. By His strength, you shall not be moved.

"I have set the Lord always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." (Psalm 16:8 KJV)

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