Monday, September 2, 2024

Confidence In His Work


Romans 8:28 is one verse that I have always considered as my life verse, though I'm also including Phillipians 1:6 as it is foundation of my message for today.

I have been thinking a lot about one of my worst qualities and I couldn't help but wonder how many of us are truly like this? Probably all at some point in our lives if we were truly honest.

I'm the worst at looking at a circumstance I'm either not entirely comfortable with or just flat out don't like with what I call "the small picture" perspective. In the past, I've initially said no to some of my greatest blessings...dragging my feet while internally kicking and screaming and just throwing a fit all because I wasn't entirely comfortable with what was going on or I didn't like what little bit I could see.

I still struggle with it at times, and I'm sure someone else still deals with it too. 

Friend, whatever you're able to see right now may not look promising. You may wonder how it's all going to turn out. It's easy to get upset when all we can see is a small picture.

But God sees the big picture of it all. He sees the finish line, and He is continually at work behind the scenes.

You may not be confident of a lot of things. There's not a sure thing in this world to lean on.

But you can be sure of one thing:

He will never quit on you.
He is always for you.
He is still working on you. 

"Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:" (Phillipians 1:6 KJV)

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