Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Our Services Part 3: Helping You Achieve Independence

Education is only one of the important aspects of personal growth; the other most essential part of personal development is their independence. Beating all of the obstacles that seem to work against us can seem to be overwhelming and impossible at times, but once you do, having that sense of freedom is an awesome feeling. Self sufficiency isn't something that is easily earned; it is a gradual process; even at the age of 23, I am still a work in progress. 

For the past couple of weeks, I have written about the many services that NRS offers; I want to touch on a few today that I feel will open the doors of independence to clients and will help them to soar to unimaginable heights. I also want to share the hopes and dreams I have, and the kind of mentor I aspire to become. 

Driver's education classes are something that we are hoping to provide in the future; they will be made available to all clients, and will teach them important on the road knowledge such as, how to change a flat tire or what to do in the event of an accident. We also will work with those who face the battle of anxiety and panic attacks. As a mentor, I would want to be someone who is relatable; I have had an issue with that very battle since I was 16 years old; there is nothing more terrifying than driving down the road, and suddenly not being able to breathe, not hearing anything around you, and feeling as though you are not present in your own body. I have overcome a lot in my lifetime, but I will admit I haven't dealt with it all. I hope to conquer the anxiety issue and drive successfully some day. I would want clients to see that I'm very much in the same boat as them; I'm just a girl with relentless determination, brown eyes, and a big smile! 

The continuing education seminars and the habits of independence classes that we offer will benefit the young adult client who is either going to work or is starting college. I am looking forward to being a speaker and sharing my college experiences with them and their families;I will offer note taking tips, tips on how to study, class scheduling advice, dorm life advice, friendship advice...I have stories for just about any scenario and will be more than happy to answer questions!

The most important thing to us at Next Right Step is that our clients and their families learn to work together to grow and learn. We want to show that with the right attitude, hopes can become a reality; it is a long road with many challenges, but it is worth it to keep moving!

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