Tuesday, January 10, 2017

My New Years Resolutions (2017)

2017 is officially here. Wow. A new year has come upon us. A year filled with three hundred and sixty five opportunities to pursue God's plan for our lives. I have so much to look forward to; I will turn the big 25 in April and there's so much more I'd like to accomplish as I enter the second part of my twenties. The new year has given me a sense of purpose and determination like I've never had. I have just a few resolutions that I'd like to share today, and I may not accomplish all of them in one year, but above everything else I just want to continue growing into the person God intends for me to be. I'm not perfect, but I want this to be the year that I really blossom. I hope you enjoy today's post. 

#1: Have Greater Faith- I'll be honest. I know that I could use a little more faith when it comes to my walk with the Lord. I am one of those people that has a habit of just running on my own little auto pilot trying to control everything because I don't like to ask for help. I'm stubborn. I act and feel so much better every time I take the time to talk more with God; I have less anxiety. The devil always knows where to attack me most. God has made so much possible for me in the past, and has greatly blessed me by opening doors for me through my writing. God has seen me through parts of life that I never thought I'd get out of; taught me tough with lessons I needed and I finally feel as if I'm coming full circle this year. I have a self confidence issue that I'll be honest about; I've not always handled it in a mature way. Nonetheless, I know God has a plan for me and I hope that 2017 unfolds more of my story. Life has been an interesting ride so far. 

#2: Go Low Key- Facebook is one thing I find myself addicted to; I admit it. I've gotten better about what I post. (I do sometimes slip up and post personal thoughts, but now most times after the fact I delete them because I regret them). No one needs to know everything. I am enjoying life. I enjoy keeping up with family and friends that I've had from high school, college, and my church family. I personally enjoy Instagram better nowadays. I'm hoping to seriously limit my cell phone usage. That's another battle. One day at a time. 

#3: Work On More Writing Projects- As far as my writing goes, I have no idea where I'm going with it. I have so much I'd like to do, but I don't know where to start. I've still been publishing with the West Virginia Statewide Independent Living Council & The Mighty. (My newest piece for SILC goes to print January 15th). On a side note, I have reapplied to be on the council; the door somehow reopened and I'm just thankful and excited once again. I'm coming back there with a new attitude and new hopes. I can't wait. Be praying for me. The next meeting is February 1st. I want to make 2017 a busy year and  I can't wait to get to be actively involved with them and to share my story. 

#4 Make Friends Easier- A big resolution right here for Miss Molly. I have a fierce battle with anxiety. I'm quite the talker on Facebook, but face to face communication for me is really hard. I think it's just another one of those "a step at a time" type scenarios. I am easily intimidated. I don't enjoy showing my true self. I will eventually warm up to you if I've known you for a long while. It takes time. I am hoping to harness some true blue confidence. I am a loner. I have a habit of  just going off somewhere and reading a book, watching TV, or shutting out the world with my headphones and music. I have been trying to open up more. I'll get there one day, I know it. I'm just me. 

#5 Live Life to the Fullest- My last resolution is to live life to the fullest and to seize opportunities that come my way. Enjoy the simple life. Own myself. Encourage others. Be a  better friend. Be a better daughter. Be a better sister. Be a better version of myself. Be more candid and more honest. I don't have it all together, but that's okay. . I want to be the best Molly I can be. I'm not going to waste time being something I'm not. If you're my friend, great but if you don't like me, I don't really care. I will waste no more time trying to "fit in" with everyone. 2017 is the beginning of a new era. Yes, I have bad anxiety days here and there pretty much for no reason; it's hard for me to deal with at times, but for the most part I am doing really well. 

First post of the new year and I can't wait to see what 2017 holds for me. I'm super excited. Just keep praying for me. I thank you all so much for all the support I've received. Hope you all have a great Tuesday! 

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