Monday, February 20, 2017

Late Valentine's Day Blog: Focus on Yourself

Valentine's Day is known widely as a celebration of love; roses, boxes of chocolates, or various gifts/romantic outings are designated for this special occasion as a means of showing affection. As a single person on this day, I choose to view it as a day of self reflection on what all I've accomplished as a young woman. I stay positive and look at the reasons why I'm okay with living life as it is. Relationships are a lot of work. I have been a single gal for nearly three years now and even though I miss the whole idea of being in love, I realize that for the time being a romance is the last thing I want or need. I'm not saying I never want it again. Right now is just not the time. I'd like to share with you tonight three main reasons why I'm choosing to be single and off the market. 

First of all, I love my independence. I don't drive, but I'm still very much self sufficient. I am a person who loves accomplishing as much as she can. If I ever do have a husband or kids, I want to make sure I create a wife/mother that my family will be proud of. My mother has always taught me to be my own person. I would love to instill that same drive and determination into any future family I may have; the foundation starts with how I go about ceasing opportunities and doing what I can to better not just the disability community, but the world in general. We all have some way we can contribute. I'm a continuous work in progress, and I'm just not ready to date again. 

Secondly, life in the past couple years has gotten increasingly busy! I'm near 25 years old, and I've still got plenty of life ahead of me. I'm young. I don't need to jump. I just want to solely focus on my writing, my involvement with WVSILC, and a career in making lives better that's instilled with as much passion and soul as any romantic relationship would ever have. I am 110% serious about the hopes and dreams I have for my future. I know me well, and if I get sidetracked by any career and my level of commitment would suffer greatly. I can never seem to find a balanced medium. I have the Lord, my Momma, my dog Ollie, and I'm soon going to have a new fur baby, which I am both very nervous and excited about. I am happy, and I'm surely not missing out on any blessings. 

Lastly, I am very leery about getting into another relationship. I have never met "the one" that everyone seems to say you just stumble across. I am not having much luck with the men in this society; seriously I'm going to get blunt here..but what is with guys just wanting to cuddle or be nasty? I don't understand what happened to the men who wanted an actual relationship or a life with someone and put God first. Those men are far and few between these days, and it's really sad. What's happened to men with ambition? As I said, they do exist; the selection to choose from just gets fewer and fewer with each generation. I'm old fashioned. I like romance. I like talking interests. Music. I don't just want to cuddle or date because I'm lonely and need loved on. I want to date because I like who the person I'm dating is on the inside. 

I'm hoping one day my prince will come. The most important key to loving someone else is deciding to get yourself situated  in life before anything else comes into play. I saw this quote online that says we are all on different life I'm just waiting to see what's on my clock next. Who knows when romance will happen again? I'm not rushing it. After all, the best kind of love is one that's worth waiting for.

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