Tuesday, March 14, 2017

New Challenges & New Horizons

Wow, what a busy time the past few weeks have been. I apologize for seemingly being missing in action from the blog lately; a lot of new exciting things that I have to share with you makes today the perfect time to return to Molly's Zone. I describe life as a winding road with frequent new challenges and new horizons that unravel as time passes. The trick to succeeding in every aspect is to find and maintain a healthy balance; routine and structure are the key. 

Late February saw the arrival of my new pup, Ruby; a golden lab with lots of lovable energy mixed in with a bit of a sassy attitude. The most wonderful part of having Ruby is having a new best friend; I am her sole caretaker, so she has brought a new perspective on the meaning of purpose to my life; a new responsibility similar to that of a new mother. Life is not all about me anymore. I've had moments where I have gotten frustrated with trying to house train her and I stay tired, but she is a very sweet and loving animal. A dog's unconditional loyalty is both precious and priceless.  At first, re establishing a routine seemed impossible, but each day gets better; I think she and I will eventually get the hang of things. I am happy that I got to write this week (I wrote this during her 2 hour nap on Monday morning). I missed my notebook and pen; I love being a writer. 

Aside from dog motherhood, I have begun my exciting journey as a disability advocate. I got the chance to visit the West Virginia State Capitol for the first time in my life to be a part of Disability Advocacy Day this past week; our Capitol is so beautiful. What an incredible experience. I am surely blessed! I have a lot of hopes and goals as a newcomer in the disability community; the main goal is to inspire others to embrace who they are, to use what life they've been given, and to learn to move past their weaknesses to accomplish whatever they wish. I am taking my time to learn as much as I can and enjoying the ride in the process. 

My days have been crazily busy and I love that; I will be turning twenty five in just a few short weeks. I am so grateful for all I have learned and experienced during life so far. I am grateful, because now  I can look back and see God's hand in everything I've done and gone through. My piece of encouragement today is to just keep moving forward. Don't look back to dwell. Look back and see how God has used your whole life to continuously shape and mold you. I think that's the great thing about living; eventually everything ties together. If you are in your feelings in any way, just know that it will pass. God is always with you, even when it doesn't seem like it. You be yourself and just remember that He is all you need; with God all things are possible. 

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